
Ragnarok Odyssey PlayStation Vita Review - Gamer Chatter

While carrying the name “Ragnarok”, this odyssey is another opportunity for the franchise to explore a simpler world. This time, on the Playstation Vita. At first look, this Action RPG offers incredible potential, which is sorely needed on the PSVita.

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Vita Means Life - A Retrospective (2011-2019)

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "With the sad but expected news that Sony is finally discontinuing production of PlayStation Vita hardware worldwide (combined with the earlier news that cartridge production was stopping in the west), it marks what will likely be the final chapter in the extraordinary journey for this little handheld that could. Despite its own creator rapidly withdrawing development support, third-parties cancelling projects left and right, and more internet negativity than I've ever seen for a console, it just kept trucking on - delivering a brilliant gaming experience for anyone willing to give it a shot.

So in light of this news I wanted to deliver a brief retrospective to what has become my favourite gaming machine ever, looking back at all the things it has done so well throughout its life, alongside a short look at what its final year might hold from here. While it's sad to see the Vita finally reaching the end of its life, there have been so many brilliant experiences along the way that I want to celebrate these here - and I know I've (personally) got many more years of enjoyment to come thanks to my backlog too!"

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Ten brilliant Vita games no one told you about

Digitally Downloaded writes: "This week we're going to have a look at that console that everyone claims lacks games. That's right, the PlayStation Vita. The sad reality for those naysayers is that it doesn't lack games at all. In fact, the Vita has some truly entertaining games that were release to little or no fanfare thanks to the console's utter lack of visibility in the market.

So, if you haven't got a Vita yet, consider the ten games we've listed below. You might not even realise these are available on the console, but if you pick one up and grab these games to go with it, you'll quickly realise just how good the Vita can really be."

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smashman984039d ago

Oh hell no I know ragnarok odyssey is not in this list lol
To each their own but I seriously hated that game

Nerdmaster4038d ago

Yeah, I was really disappointed with Ragnarok Odyssey.

sherimae24134039d ago

i need to get that atelier totori plus, ASAP! because starting next month to october ill be buying a lot of new release vita games, that i might forget this
i wish there is a retail for this game :(

Ult iMate4038d ago

I really liked Totori. It's so cute and funny. And has great replayability.

Cam9774038d ago

Get this:

It's a new indie game that is available on PS Mobile. Sorry, this is all I could find of the game on Youtube.

Furthermore, I'd advise you check out "LONE SURVIVOR" when it's out which is yet another survival horror Indie game.
I can't wait to see what's in store for the Vita at E3 2013!

Smokingunz4038d ago

I don't agree with this list! This author has bad taste. The only good game on this list is Silent Hill Book Of Memories! Now that is an awesome game.a game worth buying indeed.

4038d ago
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Ragnarok Odyssey Ace Adds The Dragon That Is Nibbling The World Tree

New screenshots from Ragnarok Odyssey Ace show Niohoggr, one of the added monsters in the Game Arts’ PS3/Vita game.

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