
Is Porn Right for Games?

IGN - Seduce Me is the newest attempt to fuse games and erotica.


Push XXX To Continue: These 10 Super NSFW Video Games Will Fill Your XP Meter

The storytelling skills of video games has seen an astronomical rise over the past decade, rivalling that of TV and cinema and in some cases bettering both. But where games fall to the wayside of their more experienced siblings is good ol' fashioned love making, or your simple titillating catalyst. Cause bloodshed in a game is fine, but breasts and intimacy is a huge no-no! But that may not be the case for these 10 brave, strange and collar warming games. These 10 took the challenge of attempting to make video games sexy and ran with them, admittedly head first into walls but at least they tried and gave us this list to gawp at.

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3077d ago Replies(5)
SCW19823077d ago

Traffics low guys, let's put out a NSFW article to get some hits. Pathetic!

DarkOcelet3077d ago

You realize you could have simply ignored the article rather than putting this comment.

If you are not interested in this kind of thing, then why are you here?

SCW19823076d ago

Obviously to post my disdain for this kind of garbage journalism.

tdogg060519913077d ago

I don't care if this is clickbait I love watching hentai and I'm not ashamed.

Kalebninja3077d ago

Well its not something to be proud of lmao.

Codewow3076d ago (Edited 3076d ago )

There are plenty of things to not be proud of. Hentai is not even in the top 100 on that list.

tdogg060519913076d ago

Hilarious but couldn't be further from the truth.

SaveMeJebus3076d ago

@tdogg06051991 I know, it was just a joke. Like Trump.

Jmanzare3076d ago

It's definitely weird but hey whatever makes you happy lol

dreamoner3077d ago

Biocock Intimate... now that was a good laugh.

TorchedRd3076d ago

It was pretty great, had me laughing for longer than it should have.

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Sex Demon Dating Sim Seduce Me Released For Free On Steam

Marcus Estrada writes: "Back in March 2014, Seduce Me was funded to the tune of $8,236. In case you don't remember it this is an otome visual novel by Seraphim Entertainment. The tale focused around a young woman who had just inherited her grandpa's house but, upon visiting, discovers a group of handsome fellows. As it turns out, they're not just house crashers but incubi."


More Games Like Seduce Me

Marcus estrada writes: "Perhaps you’re a long time fan of visual novels but are still new to the realm of otome games, or you’ve never even touched one prior to Seduce Me’s existence. Whatever the case may be you’re not alone out there. There are tons of otome games available on PC (and a few on consoles too) to help quench a sudden need for them. It’s hard to say there are many others which allow you to date incubi, but hey, that’s part of what makes Seduce Me special."