
CES 2013: Nvidia press conference live blog Live

Check here for Nvidia's latest announcement at CES.

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majiebeast4219d ago

So far a giant snore fest with photo shop skills. 7 series or gtfo.

LOGICWINS4219d ago (Edited 4219d ago )

Do you have some personal beef with Nvidia or something? Uve been the first to comment on virtually all of these articles. Surprise surprise, all your comments happen to be negative. Relax a bit. No ones forcing you to get this..at least I hope not.

DERKADER4219d ago

Shield looks like an instant fail.

ritsuka6664219d ago

Just like the "OUYA" both devices will fail HARD.

DeadlyFire4218d ago

idk. This thing brings WiiU's remote playing to the PC audience. Say you want to play a computer game while laying on the couch. Now possible.

Tegra 4 is more powerful than OTON, Ouya, and Gamestick Andriod devices. So its a plus on that note.

SnakeCQC4219d ago

any word on the first tegra 4 devices and when their eta are?

DeadlyFire4218d ago

Mid 2013 or later.

Vizio is releasing its product 2nd half 2013. So I expect most others to follow suit. May-July most likely they will begin shipping.

4218d ago
hongthay4218d ago

Shield looks very interesting. Wonder what the pricing is going to be. I like the fact that it will stream Steam. Steam and PlayStation are my only two gaming platforms.


CES 2013: Ion Audio | Gametista

Ion may be known to many Rock Band fans as the makers of the Ion Rocker Drum Set. The last few years it appears Ion has been transitioning their creations to be more Apple product based. Based on their booth this year, it seems they’re still pushing towards that direction, but also trying to develop more ways to interact with your music.

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GRTV's Best of CES 13 #2

GR-UK: The gadgets just keep on coming in this, the second part of our CES 13 Highlights. Lorenzo and the GRTV team check out some of the most exciting tech to be displayed at this year's event.

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Pixel Judge :Steam Boxes – Answers Bring More Questions

For a long time there were rumors about Valve making their own console. As with many rumors, there were not many reliable details, so it was hard to know the real state of things. Finally, with the announcement of Big Picture mode and Steam on Linux in 2012, we knew that development of some sort of “Steam Box” was not just a rumor. Now, after CES 2013 there is a lot more information about Valve plans for hardware and Steam in the living room.

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Slapshot824206d ago

I'm very interested in seeing where Valve goes with the Steam Box(s). The prices have (somehow)get to get to a reasonable level though - why spend $1000 on a "box" when you can build a dang good gaming desktop that can use Big Picture for the same price?

Either way, I see where this is going and I really like it. Having a small PC-based multimedia box that does most everything is most likely going to be an affordable thing in the next decade.