
Kim Swift's call to arms for female devs

GI - Why the game designer wants them to be seen, loud and strong.

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Kim Swift Joins Xbox As Senior Director For Cloud Gaming

More movement is happening for cloud gaming.

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MIDGETonSTILTS171192d ago

Kim Swift has done some innovative stuff with game mechanics… what have they done with cloud gaming?

1192d ago Replies(1)
DaveZero1192d ago

Sorry I'm in need of more knowledge on Kim Swift, let's start off with a pic lol.

On a serious note if it's a good move for both her and MS then why not as long as she can bring the goods MS are looking for.

XiNatsuDragnel1192d ago

Microsoft you guys need to study this first.


Valve's Kim Swift Headed to EA

Valve alumna Kim Swift is headed to EA to work with ex-Ubisoft executive Jade Raymond's Motive Studios, according to a recent blog post by the studio.

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Five Influential Female Game Devs

Kevin from Denkiphile: "For those of you out of the loop, women make up a significant margin of both the planet Earth and video gaming. I won’t bore you with the statistics except, wait – I will: according to Business Insider, the number of female developers have doubled since 2009 to 22% and is still rising. An Electronic Software Association (ESA) study found that 45% of gamers are, in fact, female. While this all seems very recent, women have been a driving force for games since their invention. Folks like Anita Sarkisian and Zoey Quinn would have the rest of the world believe that, somehow, anyone without a Y chromosome is automatically cast aside by the industry, but that’s hardly the case. Gamers just tend to appreciate actual games more than Choose Your Own Adventure books being peddled in the Steam store. Here is a list of some influential female game developers and their contributions."

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ShugaCane3687d ago

Amy Henning.

Director and writer of Soul Reaver, Soul Reaver 2, Uncharted 1, 2, 3 and worked on the Jak and Daxter series.

Pretty much a hero to me.

3-4-53687d ago

Yes, can we please give some credit to Women within the industry who have ACTUALLY accomplished something credible.

* More of this and less of ZQ

Anthotis3687d ago

"Gender doesn't matter." - SJWs

"Gender does matter." - SJWs

ShaunCameron3686d ago

The problem with SJW's is that they wanna praise people for merely existing at all as opposed to contributing something that matter just because they're "underrepresented."

WeAreLegion3687d ago

Surprised Phil Fish isn't on here.

godofboobees3687d ago (Edited 3687d ago )

Haha! But far from influential

scark923687d ago

He is not very influential :D

GuruMeditation3687d ago

I don't know, thinking about his smug face is 'influencing' my rage mode right about now lol

XtraTrstrL3687d ago

Man, Naughty Dog better be working on a new Jack & Daxter game.

psuedo3686d ago

Zoe quinn is very influential. The power of the P.