
Nintendo TVii tops button-riddled remotes

Nintendo’s TV-watching tool for the new Wii U game console beats a regular remote control

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wiiulee4185d ago

tvii is a great service that will only get better as nintendo improves it..

Nevers0ft4185d ago

I'm looking forward to the launch of the full service in the UK. In the meantime I'd like to see some improvements to the way it handles IR remotes. I (like many others) have a home cinema system and therefore the TV volume buttons do nothing... An option to customise the buttons is needed, preferably directly programmable from other remotes because I *think* the Gamepad has an IR transceiver, not just a transmitter.

bigbearsack4184d ago

I still cannot conect my DVR to it..Wont recognize dish dvr.

1upgamer994184d ago

I hope they fix that. I hope they don't just do Tivo that would suck. I don't have nor will I ever get Tivo. It is a rip off. My ATT DVR does just as much as the newer Tivo's and for 5 bucks a month instead of Tivo's $20 (thats how much Tivo cost monthly last time I checked).

bigbearsack4181d ago

Dude! that's a rip-off. I spend 25 a month for basic dish and a dvr with 500 gigs.

1upgamer994184d ago

I spent $160 dollars on a smart remote (it was really cool) like 8 years ago. TVii is way better. Look at the stores for a remote that does even half of this and see what you get and how much it cost. This is a very cool feature. Oh and my PS3 can not do any of this.


Nintendo abandon plans to launch Nintendo TVii service in Europe

Nintendo Insider writes:

Nintendo of Europe have announced that they have abandoned plans to launch the Nintendo TVii service across Europe.

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Serrafina3413d ago

I guess they're wondering about which television shows can Nintendo support.

Metallox3413d ago

I think it's because no one uses the service in North America.

Gemmol3413d ago

no people use it, just click a show and see all the comments from people. The person above is right, thats been the problem since it came out.

pcz3413d ago

just what the wiiu needs, less support and less features.

RosweeSon3412d ago

Unlike another company of the Big 3 Nintendo are more worried about the games not watching telly on their Games console.

Summons753412d ago

Meanwhile Sony gets rid of Vita apps Near, Maps, and Youtube but there it's the best thing in the world for them to cut unused features while here "nintendo are determined to destroy".... funny how that works.

pcz3412d ago

really? i have no idea what sony are doing with their apps, neither do i care. same applies to microsoft.

this is about nintendo. i remember when the wiiu was announced/revealed, they pitched tvii as one of THE major features of the wiiu, making it some sort of media hub, to seamlessly integrate into your entertainment set up...

so for them to axe plans to bring the service to europe is a massive fail, and only illustrates how poorly thought out the whole thing was/is. it also highlights everything that is wrong with nintendo right now- they talk the talk but arent doing the walking.

YET AGAIN europeans are getting the short straw, with nintendo not giving them everything that was advertised. yet again westerners are being hung out to dry. this isnt just about tvii, it also extends to the games... where is fatal frame? do we have to write a petition to get this game? its outrageous, as if the support situation isnt bad enough as it is.

Ninte3412d ago

Damn my laptop broke before xmas and ive been using my wii u for the Internet since its the closest ive got to watching tv series.

ZeekQuattro3412d ago

They are missing much. I don't use the feature on my Wii U. I have noticed Nintendo doesn't advertise it here in the states anymore either. I used to get notices about upcoming sporting events. Now crickets. It was a useless feature to me. I don't use Microsoft equivalent on the Xbox One either. Just seems like a waste of code and space to me.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3412d ago

They never did advertise in the states

ZeekQuattro3412d ago (Edited 3412d ago )

Stupid double post. My browser went crazy on me.

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Nintendo TVii Gets New Update; Loaded With new Features

Nintendo TVii has gotten a new update with tons of new features (including improved search functionality). All of the new features are highlighted in this article.

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BullyMangler3653d ago (Edited 3653d ago )

so what was announced first?

Vita TV

Nintendo TVii

Or Xbox TV ??

Which gaming company is the originals of gaming TV ?

Which gaming company is with the forgery here ???

Sega ??

Trolltroll3653d ago

Lol well if you look at release dates...(dramatic pause) SEGA wins with the Game Gear TV Tuner!

yeah I am old and have one of these.

donwel3653d ago

Holy shit! I almost forgot I had one of those.....
Those were such good times.

Ol_G3653d ago

i used that thing to hook up my NES in my bedroom oh the good old times :)

Trolltroll3653d ago (Edited 3653d ago )

Yup SEGA. They where way ahead of the times. First with online too (built in X band wins otherwise, not xbox, "Xband") First with dowload/on demand games too via SEGA Channel. And first Game Disk via Sega CD. And first to drag their mascot through 10 years of S games.

I could go on but I think you get the point we have been riding their coattails for years;)

fenome3653d ago

Well Sony has owned actual television and movie studios for a long time now, so that should count for something right?

fenome3653d ago

Ugh, ignore this, can't believe I got caught in a troll trap..

Ol_G3653d ago

well you laid the trap yourself so...... :p

fenome3653d ago


You're absolutely right, can't believe I went there.

+well said

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3653d ago

do you know what Nintendo TVii does

Mikito113653d ago

Nintendo announced first, before Xbox one was even shown to the public

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3653d ago
randomass1713653d ago

Gotta be honest, TVii is the only feature I haven't used so far and that's mostly because I don't have cable or satellite or anything like that. For those who do use it, is it any good?

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3653d ago

I haven't used it because it irrelevant to my gaming session on Wii U. Plus Internet browser is beastly on Wii U.

randomass1713653d ago

Oh yes, the browser is quite speedy in comparison to most console web browsers.

live2play3653d ago

its kinda cool. you put what shows you like and movies and it tells you when they will play or they are availiable on netflix and hulu

mostly its just there

randomass1713653d ago

Doesn't seem all that essential unless it gives me on-screen prompts for my shows even while I'm gaming.

Dunban673653d ago

Does anyone use this feature? I never have - is it worth messing with?

Intranquill3653d ago

Your gamepad can change channels/ports/volume with no need to power on the system. I've found it useful if I can't find a remote, but have my gamepad in it's cradle on my end table. I'm still waiting for the DVR functions to work.

Trolltroll3653d ago

Accually that is only the TV remote feature of the game pad (still awsome). The "TVii" function (the featured updated topic) is accessible from the home button or home screen when the wii u is on. This feature allows you to communicate with other tviiers who are watching the same show via text or drawing. They have features that allow you to edit shots from the program by drawing images or text over the shot. Great for real time chats and memes with a community that is interested and accually watching the show now. The sports features have a break down of the last play on the game pad...just read the article before you comment (face palm)
@greatherodunban yes it is worth it but if there is not anyone on that show then it is dead popular shows and sports games allways have watchers
TVii complaint: your txt posts show up on the miiverse as yous miis wander on other people's consoles and if you comment or watch violent shows like me you will get flaged for saying "Blow that zombies FN head off allready." Privacy options please.

Dunban673653d ago

Thanks for the opinions - info. I did read the article but nothing in it was of interest to me and I ve never really hard/read about people discussing or using it

It sounds lie something that is not of interst to me but if others like it that is good - I just seems that there may be other updates that more people are interested I but that is just an observation and def not a fact

jcnba283653d ago

Still not available in Europe :/


Nintendo TVii update removes features and support for select cable companies

A recent update for the Wii U's Nintendo TVii service appears to be messing things up, removing features and some users can no longer access the service due to their cable company being removed from the list of supported providers.

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browngamer413700d ago

I'm not sure what features are missing, I just checked mine and my guide actually matches up with my channels now(always had too many before)they added a tracking feature and my grid works better..since I have Direct TV perhaps I'm not noticing the dropped support for certain providers?