
Mega64's hands out awards for only the best of 2012

Destructoid - My final post of 2012 is a Mega64 video share. I'M LAZY LOL! Maybe my resolution should be to do some real editorial work in 2013, am I right, haters!?

Mega64 runs an awards show every year, and the results are always predictably unpredictable. The boys do their damnedest to evaluate only the best and brightest of 2012, so I'm sure you shouldn't find too much to complain about here.

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-Mezzo-4285d ago

LMAO, i was waiting for this.


PAX East 2014 Preview: What to See in Boston’s Biggest Gaming Event

Whether you're a first-timer or repeat guest, you're sure to find something to enjoy at PAX East this weekend. This preview merely scratches the surface of everything this convention has to offer!

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Mega64: Kutaragi's Way

Lifetime achievement award winner Ken Kutaragi ("father of the PlayStation") presents the history of PlayStation in his touching, personal new film.

izumo_lee3839d ago

T_T That was so beautiful! T_T

Not since Titanic did i cry so much......


Mega64 gets cheeky with their Dead Rising 3 skit

"You may have heard about the new Xbox One update for Dead Rising 3 and its whopping 13GB download size. Mega64 certainly heard about it and has responded in kind with a new video that’s as cheeky as ever.

The hour-long skit perfectly captures what Dead Rising 3 players will probably be experiencing when the update is being applied. Might want to use that multi-tasking Snap function when downloading it.

Polygon reported that the 13GB patch is 56 percent of the full size of Dead Rising 3 if you were to purchase the digital version from the Xbox Games Store. The update promises to fix a number of stability issues, texture hiccups and mission scripting bugs, along with patching in support for the game’s upcoming third and fourth DLC episodes." - Patrick Kulikowski

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Nitrowolf23900d ago

This is freak'n brilliant XD

3900d ago
FamilyGuy3900d ago

Damn, I wish I could download 13Gb in just 1 hour lol.

This is funny but really screwed up.

Rainstorm813900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

13 GB for an update damn.....and i complained about BF3 massive 2GB updates on PS3

Anyone know what the update does?

30 mins in....."Almost halfway to your reward - a limitless array of new experiences" LMAO

Cant this download in the background??

(45 mins in) "Connection too slow? Consider upgrading your home internet package" Lmao surely these arent really on the X1 are they??


LMAO @ 97% Complete.....Every X1 update doesn't really say that....i don't believe it.... That's some Mass Effect level indoctrination there

Christopher3900d ago (Edited 3900d ago )

That's messed up. And not in a bad way. More people joking about this, the more Microsoft will, hopefully, learn from their mistakes. Hey, look what wonders it did for Sony?

SilentNegotiator3900d ago

...wait, MICROSOFT's mistakes? It's Capcom that should have been able to patch their game without it being half of the size of their game.

Christopher3900d ago

It's both, but I put more blame on Microsoft considering they pushed it from a 360 game to Xbox One (and Capcom accepted for funding) and allowed it on their system even though it obviously had flaws.

The age of Bethesda programming needs to stop and the responsibility doesn't rest solely upon the developer's head when everyone goes through a certification and testing process.

andrewsqual3900d ago

Love these guys because they are actual Americans who take the piss of Microsoft in all the right ways. Even their "Year Review" videos are hilarious where they act as 2 Xbox COD idiots bro high fiving on everything. :)

matrixman923900d ago

I f***ing love Mega64. One of the funniest internet groups IMO

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