
Shedding Light on the Dark Corners of Schein

MTB: I had a great time with the Schein demo I played a few weeks ago. It was an interesting puzzle game that just oozed atmosphere; and despite the length of the demo, it left me wanting much, much more. The game is still a ways off, though, so I thought that I would pick the brains of the developers to see if I could get some information that would sate my craving for this game. Fortunately, they had a lot of great stuff to share with us.

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Illuminate a New World in Schein (Review) | Twinfinite

Chaz at Twinfinite writes,

Every so often, I come across a game that’s reminiscent of older games I’ve played, but with just enough of a unique twist to stand alone. So it is with Schein, a puzzle-platformer with echoes of Limbo and Braid that creates a new, inventive world. Following the story of a nameless protagonist who has ventured into a swamp to find his lost son, Schein explores themes of perception, despair, and madness with a simple yet effective story and a wide range of puzzles and aesthetics.

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Schein Review - Made For Gaming

Steven writes: "Do you miss the good old days when games were frustratingly beautiful? Do you miss entire weekends disappearing because of the sheer keyboard snapping rage of not being able to finish the “one more level” you promised yourself 3 hours ago? If so then Schein may just hit the spot for you."

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Schein Review: Where the Sun Don't Schein: Hardcore Games

In some alternate dimension, much like those within Schein itself, this game is the successor to the indie platformer throne previously held by Braid, Limbo, and Fez. It has more than enough unique mechanics to justify its pacing, and each solitary puzzle is smart without making you feel stupid. To progress through these puzzles, though, is to be pushed away from them by peripheral frustration.

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