
PixlBit's Street Fighter X Mega Man Review

PixlBit | I love Mega Man, and have ever since I played Mega Man 2 at a friend’s house in elementary school. Even now I’ve been known to pop the Xbox version of the Mega Man Anniversary Collection into my 360 from time to time to replay some of the better games in his 8-bit career. Needless to say, when I heard Capcom had picked up Street Fighter x Mega Man—a reportedly well-made and interesting fan project— to release to their fans for free, I was understandably excited.


Sonic Mania is the Apotheosis of Fanmakes

Have you played Sonic Mania? It’s a neat little game that captures the joy of what it was like to play a console game that wasn’t Mario. It’s truly a love letter to a decent game made by people that really love that game.

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Top Ten Video Game Crossovers

Kevin of Paranerds writes : "You know what we love? Crossovers. Either in movies, TV Shows or comics it doesn’t matter, as long as we see a characters that’s not supposed to be in a universe make a cameo or appearance we get all giddy inside. I think that’s why we loved The Avengers, knowing all those characters from different movies share the same universe is awesome. The Simpsons will crossover with Family Guy this coming Sunday and that’s the first time in a long time I’m looking forward to a new Family Guy episode. Video games are no strangers to this either as there have been a number of crossover titles. Characters showing up in other games or even just easter eggs or cameos, it’s fun to see them let alone have a game based on the concept of a crossover. There have been a lot of these games. Some we’ve never heard of. But regardless here are the Top Ten Video Game Crossovers."

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Indie Arcade #4: Blue Bombing The Street

This week on Indie Arcade you’ll see a familiar blue bomber fighting a street fighter (or 8), a spaceship sim, and more!

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