
Nintendo Life Review: Vampire Crystals

Nintendo Life: "One fact that we all need to face is that fast-paced and frantic video games will never go out of style. Whether they’re classics being played on an arcade cabinet or new entries on a home console, intense action coupled with multiplayer mayhem can be downright addictive. Another fact that we all need to face is that romantic vampires, among other amorous undead creatures, are currently in style. Combine the two and you’ve got Vampire Crystals, a game that’s much better than any young adult novel would dare to suggest."

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Vampire Crystals Review | Destructoid

Destructoid: "I can appreciate the classic arcade spirit of Vampire Crystals, but it does little to mask the shortcomings of old-school design while adding its own set of issues. Playing it single-player is chore, but convincing a group to play with you might be even more laborious. There just isn't enough meat on these dusty old bones."

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Diehard GameFAN: Vampire Crystals Review

DHGF: Vampire Crystals is a little gem that came out just before Christmas, at a time when many people were pouring their bank accounts into the annual Steam sale. This is a shame because Vampire Crystals is definitely a fun little romp for your Nintendo Wii. Vampire Crystals is a small WiiWare title from the minds at Shanblue Interactive that doesn’t hide its heavy influences from Smash TV. It’s a straight forward run and gun action arcade title that up to four people can play together and provide a good chunk of fun even with its flaws.

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Nintendo eShop With Tokyo, Zombies, NBA And Parties

Gamesta.com reports on this week's Nintendo eShop downloads for Europe. Each console and handheld receives a bit of attention with puzzle games, zombies, NBA 2K games and a singing party title. Also, a free demo.

Fasttrack764169d ago

Zzzzzzzzzzzz they need to hurry with some decent stuff on wii u,getting fed up now