
Neon Alley Coming to the Xbox 360 in 2013

The anime streaming service will be on the 360 in addition to PS3 in 2013.

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Sonyslave34200d ago (Edited 4200d ago )

O.o I download this on my ps3 about 3weeks ago

Williamson4200d ago

We dont get any anime in Canada anymore so this app lets me watch it on my tv again.


ZTGD | Neon Alley Hands-On

Drew Leachman writes: I had the chance to try out the new PS3 application, Neon Alley. For a time, I was a pretty big anime fan. As of late, I’ve falled off the bandwagon, but still enjoy a couple like Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Baccano! Now, with Neon Alley, I can get a dedicated anime network right on my PS3. Let’s see just what it has to offer.