
Top 6 Best Games of 2012

2012 has been a rough year for gaming industry, we expect wonders with games like MoH: Warfighter, Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified and many others, but they all fall flat of their faces and can't lived upto the expectations. However there were few games released in 2012 that delivered on every front, and so this time around we would like to present to you Top 6 Best Games of 2012.


Why Far Cry 3 Was The Best Of The Franchise?

Far Cry 3, an open-world masterpiece that redefined the series. Gameplay and storyline makes it a timeless classic that still inspires today.

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Deeeeznuuuts2d ago

It's gotta be Far Cry 2 for me, the feeling of that game I'm still yet to find again, just everything about it, I'd kill for a remaster, I'd even be happy with just a bump in resolution and frame rate, occasionally go back to it, think I'm gunna have to do just that now 😂

porkChop2d ago

A remaster of Far Cry 2 would be amazing, especially with the mods that fixed the broken stealth system and the dumb checkpoint respawns. Include those fixes and it would be a huge upgrade over the original.

JEECE2d ago

Enemies respawn in Far Cry 2? Terrible! It's a broken system! Make me a one-man army who can inexplicably hold an entire region!

Enemies respawn in Dark Souls and Zelda? Brilliant! So much more hardcore! Glad the devs took risks!

porkChop2d ago

The problem isn't them respawning. It's that they respawned after just 5 minutes. Like you'd still be in the area looking for diamonds, loot, exploring, etc, and the enemies would just respawn with you there.


Avowed's director says they "don't believe in living in fear" after Microsoft closed studios

"As a developer - and as a player - it's always sad and it always sucks to see studios close and devs lose their jobs. I really hope all those people land on their feet, because I know our indusutry is better with them in it," Patel tells the outlet. "As for me and how I look at things, I guess first and foremost: I don't believe in living in fear," the Avowed director.

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Lightning7712d ago

Then gets shut down the next day. They should know better than to talk crazy like that.

XiNatsuDragnel12d ago

They'll get shut down that's how Microsoft work

gold_drake12d ago

watch it get shut down tomorrow haha

Skuletor11d ago

It was probably already decided yesterday


"And then Phil Spencer took it as challenge..."

Elda11d ago

They better worry because Avowed doesn't look all that.


5 Amazing Side Quests In Games That You Need To Experience

While gamers usually take notice of the mainline missions, these 5 side quests deserve more widespread attention for how entertaining they are.