
Project Sylpheed: Missions 3 & 4

Here are some more videos of Project Sylpheed in action.


D+PAD Magazine - Hidden Xbox Gems Part 2

D+PAD Magazine writes:

The previous entry in this series talked about a few multiplayer games that offered something a bit different to the norm, but this journey into the depths of the 360’s back catalogue isn’t done yet. There’s a wealth of distinctly fun single-player experiences to be had that might not be triple-A titles, but have a certain charm to them. Quite often these games are flawed, but that shouldn’t stop anyone from playing them; they show that there’s far more to the 360 than just Gears, Forza and Halo and that’s worthy of praise in its own right.

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Why Announcing Final Fantasy XIII For The Xbox 360 Is Only The Beginning

Master Samo writes: "Gamers need to realize that when Final Fantasy XIII was announced, last year, as a multiplatform title, the subliminal message that was sent by Microsoft due to that announcement was quite clear. Regardless of whether or not gamers would actually admit it, the undeniable fact remains that such an announcement is destined to create a paradigm shift in the way people view Microsoft forever.

If you pay close attention to the Square-Microsoft relationship and its progression, you would begin to notice a pattern materializing before your very eyes. The pattern is more like water testing. Let me explain,..."

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GWAVE5552d ago (Edited 5552d ago )

It's only the beginning? Only the beginning of what.....treating multiplatform announcements like huge revelations? Wait. No, because no one seemed to care when two of the 360's biggest game went over to PS3 (Ninja Gaiden and Bioshock). What is it the beginning of?

If it was the "old" Squaresoft, I would be angry at their current BS (like saying "we're a multiplatform company" and then not delivering). Unfortunately, Squarenixidos has become a terrible, money-grubbing company with barely an ounce of talent left.

dktxx25552d ago

If squares leadership is even slightly competent, they'll cut the exclusive xbox crap. It's obviously isn't working out for them.

Master Samo5552d ago (Edited 5552d ago )

Thank you for your comments.
God Bless You All
Master Samo

TrevorPhillips5551d ago

great article master samo read the whole thing I thought it was very interesting


Project "Get me off these shelves!"

When you think of Square Enix, space combat doesn't exactly come to mind. I think of turn based battles, and feminine leading male protagonists. While Project Sylpheed does have the latter, it's not a turn based RPG. It's a space combat simulator, and it's really not as bad as you may have heard.

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JimmyJames705738d ago

I've never heard of this game before, but now I'm interested. I'll probably get it off Goozex for a couple hundred points.

DNAgent5738d ago

I think of flops & failure. They are no longer the once great Squaresoft. Square-Enix just makes crappy games now (at least for consoles). I'm sure FF13 will end up being garbage as well (and not JUST because it's being downgraded for the 360). If someone else develops FF13 then it will have at least a better chance of not flopping.

MrWeymes5738d ago

While I don't agree with anything you just said, I giggled at the first line. I love the open zone.

Keele5737d ago

It's only crappy to you because FF13 went multiplatform and you're still sore about it.

Get over it.

thor5737d ago

No he might just have been disappointed that

Final Fantasty X-2 was absolute garbage
Final Fantasy XI was online and completely broke off from the series
Final Fantasy XII had a thin plot and a lame battle system

I think they can pull Final Fantasy back around, but I wonder if they are trying to do too much? We haven't seen any gameplay, only prerendered stuff and they are obviously creaking under the load of 3 games under the compilation - it's been quite a while since FFXII released.

truehunter5737d ago

Woow this is sad Project Sylpheed was develop by Game Arts.... Stop giving credit to S-E.
Im hoping Grandia 4 dosnt go on S-E list publish they dont have any respect anymore.

kevnb5737d ago (Edited 5737d ago )

they still give credit to mistwalker as a dev company... Pretty sure artoon developed Blue Dragon and Feel Plus developed Lost Odyssey. Sure Mistwalker produced the games, but that only goes so far.

Death5737d ago

They come up with the game concept, story line, and music and then out source development duties to other developers.

Game Arts supervised the development of Project Sylpheed by SETA which was formed by the former Game Arts employees that made the previous game in the series. Square Enix was the publisher in Japan. Microsoft Game Studios published it in Europe and North America for Square-Enix which is why their name is still on the box.


kevnb5737d ago

but how can you say Lost Odyssey doesn't feel like a Shadow Hearts game.

MrWeymes5737d ago

I never said that Square Enix developed the game. They have their name on the cover, and I'm sure that is what caught a lot of peoples interest hoping that it was an RPG when it first came out. That's all.

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kevnb5737d ago

I guess they thought North Americans might like it.

MrWeymes5737d ago

I didn't mind it. Large space breasts, a decent story and gameplay. All for the low, low price of $9.99!