
FutureGamez: Zone of Enders: HD Collection Review

FutureGamez: Hideo Kojima is a legend of the videogame industry, and his Metal Gear series is one of the most-loved Playstation franchises ever released. Back in 2001 Kojima also created the lesser-known Zone of the Enders, which, when released, came boxed with a demo for Metal Gear Solid 2.

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Okami and ZOE 2 got 1080p remasters before it was cool

"Sony was already no stranger to remasters during the previous generation. They took some classic games, bumped them up from 480i to 720p and put them in a collection. Jak & Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, and Sly Cooper all got excellent trilogy collections on the PlayStation 3. These brought hours of great gameplay and entertaining worlds to gamers for a fraction of their original cost. But there was one Japanese developer that blew the others out of the water." -- PlayStation Enthusiast

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PhoenixUp2168d ago

“Sure, when looking at the grand scheme of the PlayStation 3’s 7 year life-cycle”

PS3 lived on for more than 7 years

FallenAngel19842168d ago

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection offered full 1080p resolution on PS3 6 years before either Okami HD and ZoE HD hit the scene.

chris2352167d ago

what do you mean? remasters are not cool. they are the opposite of cool.


Patched 15 - Part 1 - Storytime with Damo Camilleri

The latest episode of Patched explores the personal gaming history of regular Patched host Damo.

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2603d ago

Mortal Kombat X & Bayonetta 2 Both Get Discounted To Bargain Prices

Pixel Gate writes:

''As April rolls on, and the massive games creep forward, a number of last years hits drop in price. While it may of felt the harsh sting of some salty individuals, and the review of a salt/conflicted/hypocritical Polygon writer, Bayonetta 2 is a utter steal at £22.80.''

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wonderfulmonkeyman3356d ago

Haha, ikr?
But, bad grammar aside, the dude's right; Bay 2 got a LOT of very unjustified bashing from a huge amount of salty console war soldiers, and at this price there's really no excuse to not pick it up.

Locknuts3355d ago

If you have a Wii U that is. It's an amazing game but people won't buy a console for it.

wonderfulmonkeyman3355d ago (Edited 3355d ago )

Why not?
I know plenty that got a PS3 or 360 for DMC3, and the game acted at the gateway game to an even larger collection of games down the road for the people that bought the systems.
Same case here: Bay 2 would be just the opener, since there's plenty to get on the console.
Bay 2 is a fine starting game to get a Wii U for. We need to stop pretending that a lack of multiplats means a lack of good reasons to get the console, especially with indies supporting the system quite strongly as well.

PixelGateUk3355d ago

It was late, some of the deals were timed, had to get it out asap!

jonrhoades873355d ago

Bayonetta 2 is a masterpiece. Exclusives are the lifeblood of any platform not multiplats, which is why the PS3 was my system of choice last gen. The original Wii gave me equal enjoyment in that regard in addition to hosting a plethora of gems in the mid-tier catagory like Zack & Wiki and Okami.

jonrhoades873354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

Mid-tier with regards to budget and/or marketing. You know, the kinds of games we used to get in abundance during 6th gen. Third parties were at the height of their craft then. Now most of those studios are dead or a shell of their former selves. Now we essentially have the low-tier (Indies) and AAA.

My apologies if I am misunderstanding.