
ZombiU Review | Bag of Games

It's intriguing, got good uses for the Wii U controller, and good potential. Had this actually been a good game, all of that would have actually meant something.

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1upgamer994304d ago (Edited 4304d ago )

LOL at this review. I own the game, and really love the game. I have seen reviews of this game all over the board though. I think its funny. Now, that said, my friend hates the game. I think the game does survival horror justice. The gamepad makes it very immersive, more realistic experience, than just button mashing. The game is challenging for sure, but also rewarding. I love a good COD game, but for those looking for a true challenge and tension driven experience, this is a great game. If I were to rate it I would give it about a 7.9 out of 10. My Friend would give it like a 4. To each his own.

camel_toad4304d ago

How ya gonna disagree with the guy? He gave both sides of the story which is way more than I can say for others...

1upgamer994304d ago

Thank you, I was being honest. :)

MsmackyM4304d ago ShowReplies(1)
Neko_Mega4304d ago

Ok going by video of gameplay, I don't think this score is right. I do want this game, its on my list of Wii U games I want.

I'm getting my 32GB Wii U with Mario next month.

Zynga4304d ago

Awesome, you won't be disappointed with the deluxe version. Also hope you enjoy zombie u because i have not tried it yet.

GezForce4303d ago

Congrats on the wiiu..
but a word of warning if your thinking about picking up zombiu. The game is garbage, graphically its so underwhelming and the gameplay is so friggn boring. you'll be spending most your time running around dark poorly textured environments with a not so fun cricket bat.
Prepare to be disappointed. Dead island wasn't the best but it sure as hell a better zombie game than this and thats not saying much. so far enjoying NMSBU nintendoland blops2 and sonic allstars.. all unfortunately better than zombiu.

Neonridr4303d ago

Neko - make up your own mind. For every person like GeZForce out there, there are at least 2 others who praise the game.

Personally I think the game is great. While the combat can be a little repetitive at times, you still have to think about what you are doing. Graphically, while the game isn't anything to write home about, I think most people are complaining because the game is very dark and the textures are very bland, which makes the game "look" graphically subpar. However I feel that the dark, moody atmospheres and the gritty and dirty nature of everything suits the setting for the game very well. You wouldn't expect there to be extremely bright and colorful graphics in a post-apocalyptic setting. The lighting effects are very well done in the game.

But to each their own I guess.

Darukain4304d ago

I know the game has some short comings but I also know it deserves more than 2/10.

wiiulee4304d ago

if you're a clown or a hater and dont know what a good game is then please dont do any reviews...zombiu is a great game

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NecrumOddBoy1060d ago

The title says the criteria was explicitly written to mention Eternal Darkness. I am happy to see House of the Dead: OVERKILL on here. With the rise of Grindhouse themes in the 2010s, (ie WET), this was one that was both entertaining and camp funny.

-Foxtrot1060d ago

Would be nice to see a new Zombie game set in the UK again, some of the landmarks, old architecture and the like really fits in well with the genre.

Aussiesummer1060d ago

Sean of the dead and 28 days later.


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NecrumOddBoy1999d ago

No thank you Gamespew. Not flipping through single pages of ads.

Also speaking of London, I'm pretty pumped for BLOOD AND TRUTH on PSVR

nucky641999d ago

no page flipping for me, either. i wish i looked at your post before clicking on the link.

DaveZero1999d ago

well without clicking through pages The Getaway has to be rite in there.