
Sucker Punch Working On Unannounced Game

Just what exactly is Sucker Punch up to?

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KangarooSam4310d ago

Having just started playing inFamous I can say I'm in love with Sucker Punch. I hope it's a Vita title. :)

NukaCola4310d ago (Edited 4310d ago )

Agree. I love that Media Molecule and Guerrilla Games are doing Vita titles. I would love to see the other top AAA Sony devs doing some big things for this little beast of a machine.

I would really love to see an inFAMOUS sub story on Vita, or even a new superhero with new abilities in a sandbox title.

KangarooSam4310d ago

Tearaway looks too good. Just hoping for some replay value 'cause a game like that could end up being very short. Media Molecule's creative, though. I'm sure they'll work on figuring something out.

sikbeta4310d ago


I hope not, they need to top Infamous2 which is awesome, hope is a Next-Gen project :)

nveenio4310d ago

I would love to see an inFamous followup that is on the next gen PlayStation.

TimmyShire4310d ago

Why have you waited so long to play inFamous!?! :P

T'is really good.

KangarooSam4310d ago

I bought a 360 instead because I really wanted to play the whole Mass Effect trilogy and Halo. Then I bought a 3DS to help my Mario and Zelda cravings. Then finally got a PS3 cause I've been wanting one for 6 years and I have a Vita and Plus so how could I not? ;P

XB1_PS44310d ago

Oh my jesus, let it be a vita title. It needs to be blessed with some sucker punch.

andibandit4310d ago

No thanks, please let it be a ps3 title

a08andan4310d ago

@andibandit: Why not a ps3 AND Vita-title? :D Cross-buy enable :)

SAE4310d ago (Edited 4310d ago )

Advice you to play all ps3 exclusives such as Heavy rain/God of war/Uncharted/LBP/Demon soul/Gt5..ETC

You will enjoy different type of amazing games , as you see with nFAMOUS , it doesn't make you feel like you are playing a super hero game , it have it's own feeling ^^ , same with the other exclusives ...

GrandTheftZamboni4309d ago

Ratchet and Clank, Ratchet and Clank!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4309d ago
Dailynch4310d ago

It will be great to see what it's working on. They're a talented studio that could do with creating a hit bigger than inFamous. Its good, but there's scope for them to grow.

TimmyShire4310d ago

An inFamous Vita game would be amazing, I think.

Kennytaur4310d ago

I'd rather have a new IP by them on the vita.

iamnsuperman4310d ago (Edited 4310d ago )

I really do not want it to be Infamous 3 only because of the way infamous 2 ended. I would love to play another infamous game (as I loved Infamous 1 and 2) but I think they need to leave that series with its perfect ending. I would like to see what else they could do.

Minato-Namikaze4310d ago

Both endings leave openings for a sequel though.

DarkHeroZX4309d ago

@ Minato

All the conduits including Cole died in the good ending, what kind of sequel can possibly be made from the good side? On the evil side after becoming the new beast, Cole and all the other conduits started wiping out an already dying human population. To be honest I'd do like prequels and let 2 be close to the series.

sway_z4310d ago (Edited 4310d ago )

I hope Sucker Punch are working on a completely new IP....

I guess I'm one of those who didn't see what all the fuss was about with Infamous.

I really would like a Jack the Ripper game set in a very cold and foggy Victorian London (where else!!) or a 3rd person Spy/Espionage thriller to rival those very disappointing Bond games I keep buying!


A Zombie/Apocalypse (Proper Horror/Survival please) no gimmicks, just outright fear with human emotion and relationships....gritty like 'The Walking Dead' TV series..I like the current Walking dead game, but i'm not a fan of Cel shaded games...Sony probably won't since we already have 'The Last of Us' on the way.

and for both PS3/Vita ...don't gimp!

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Ghost of Tsushima 2: What We Want To See In The Sequel

Rumours suggest that Ghost of Tsushima 2 is already in development. Here's what we'd like to see in the sequel.

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ApocalypseShadow720d ago (Edited 720d ago )

I love Ghost of Tsushima. It is my open world Onimusha. The presentation, the characters, the combat, the respect for the source material which was the Island of Tsushima, etc was just a step up for Sucker Punch.

A sequel of this game would definitely require Jin Sakai in the game. I would also have the game return to Tsushima because that's where the game is about. But it can look quite different on PS5 even if the same areas. The jump in detail, foliage, lighting, AI, new moves, new characters, etc would make the game look and play quite differently than before. You could even have unaccessible areas from the first game, areas that were secret even to Jin, playable areas.

And in my opinion, a portion of mainland Japan. Maybe someone against the second Mongol invasion that is playable and has a story arch that brings him from mainland Japan to Tsushima. And someone else is trying to stop them from reaching Tsushima. This person would have their own fighting style as a Samurai or something else. Characters like Yuna and Tomoe would return in the game as playable story arcs as well. Yuna was a great character that I'd like to see more of. Maybe she is taught by Jin to have Samurai moves but still has her thief like qualities. Maybe Tomoe returns but doesn't return to the Way of the Bow. Maybe she returns with the Way of the Fist. Some martial arts mixed in. Okay. I'm reaching on that last one. But we don't know a lot about Tomoe. That can be fleshed out.

But I'd have something like four playable characters to mix things up with different styles. Jin, Yuna, Tomoe and a fourth character from Japan. Five if you can get a more deadly Norio or a student of his in the game. Monks have cool moves too.

Something like that

Yi-Long720d ago (Edited 720d ago )

Love Ghost of Tsushima as well. Brilliant game.

I disagree on the idea of a direct sequel in the exact same location(s). I would like a new story, in a new location (still Japan, of course) and in a new era.

I think the sequel should have some big lively cities, filled with citizens. I absolutely love Tsushima, but it never had any big towns. It sometimes had a bunch of the standard homes thrown together, but it never really felt like there was an actual community LIVING there. And even when you ‘liberate’ some of the bigger villages/towns, they mostly remain a ghost town, of course still ravaged by the tragedies of a brutal occupation/war.

In a sequel, I’d like to see the streets bustling with life. Think of Yakuza (the game-series), but old times. You’ll hear folks chatting, meeting up for dinner, rushing to work, whatever. Markets where poultry and fresh fish are sold, artists practicing their trade, or selling their works. Etc.

In short! I’d want some actual cities where you believe folks actually live(d), instead of some small collection of generic houses and npc’s thrown together.

Japan is a gorgeous huge country, so it has lots of very different locations, which is why I feel for the next game they should go somewhere else within Japan. Perhaps the Kyoto-Osake-Kobe region, due to historical importance and landmarks, but they could also go a bit more south and go for the gorgeous Shikoku Island.

We learned a lot about the Mongol invasion, so perhaps now learn a completely new chapter from Japan’s rich history, and new aspects from their culture.

I agree having a few different playable characters might be interesting. Jin was of course a jack of all-trades when powered up, but would be nice to have some different fighting styles (unarmed, staff, knives, etc) to change things up a bit.

Looking forward to the sequel. Considering the quality of the first game and how the devs respected the story & culture, and stuck true to what they wanted this game to be, I trust them with whatever they choose to do with a sequel. As longs as it’s still a single-player story-driven action adventure game of course. Wouldn’t want them to suddenly go ‘Beyond Good & Evil 2’ on us …

PhillyDillyDee720d ago

I expect the sequel will take place in a different location and therefore have a new title. Personally I would be fine with a new protagonist but I think we need new weapons and styles to elevate the gameplay above the original. Taking it a step further, I would love a wound system that affects your ability to fight. Something like Bushido Blade if anyone remembers that game.

-Foxtrot720d ago (Edited 720d ago )


More non lethal tools

HIDE BODIES…main one for me, like to drag them in bushes more effectively and hide them from others.

Jinns return, will the Shogun go after him, will his Uncle (canon ending in my mind, he wouldn’t kill his family)

720d ago Replies(2)
720d ago
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Upcoming inFAMOUS 2 UGC Maintenance and Legacy Franchises

As we approach 25 years since Sucker Punch first opened, we’re proud to look back on the legacy of characters and stories we’ve created, from Rocket: Robot on Wheels to Sly Cooper and inFAMOUS, and most recently Ghost of Tsushima.

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-Foxtrot814d ago

Least they are honest about Sly and Infamous so people don't get their hopes up

Still want Infamous 3 though with Coles return eventually.

TravsVoid814d ago

I just 100% Infamous 2 this year and the UGC is not great so I don't think it really even needs to be kept up for anything other than trophies. Pretty cool they are going to be making Coles Legacy dlc for Second Son available to everyone because for some reason it's not available for download in the USA. I'm pretty sure I had it on my launch PS4 but on PS5 I don't see anyway to download it or access it again. Of course maybe I didn't even enter the code that's in the case before it expired because I really don't remember anymore.

Germaximus814d ago

I had no idea there was a "Coles Legacy" dlc

SimpleSlave814d ago (Edited 814d ago )

I did a badass mod on Infamous 2's UGC that I wish I had recorded it for posterity. Thinking the Mod had its own save or that once you uploaded it to their servers it would be safe, like a goofball, I went ahead and deleted the game installation from my PS3 and the thing disappeared...Bah!

I think it was named "Left Behind - Starting Jason Statham". Something like that.

If you were one of the 5 people that played it, then you are welcome.

mkis007814d ago

Infamous 1 and 2 need remasters .

CrimsonWing69814d ago

Or just a sequel.

I’d rather them put those on the PS+ catalogue and put any dev time into a next-gen game. Otherwise we’ll never get out of the remaster loop. Every gen someone will say, “Give us a remaster,” and since they’re far cheaper to produce and people buy them enough to make the company a profit, the corpos will milk that for all it’s worth.

mkis007812d ago (Edited 812d ago )

I just want an antialiased version of 1 at 60fps


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Ahead of the Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut launch, learn from the developers themselves about the title card's surprising development process.