
Just Dance 4 – Review [GamingLives]

GamingLives straps on dance shoes and tackles Just Dance 4.

"Kinect and other motion tracking controllers, love them or hate them, have successfully broken one genre of gaming from its control-based shackles and genuinely evolved the games to the next level. I am, of course, talking about dance games and the move from shifting your body about on a tiny mat to actually dancing (or at least attempting to) along with your favourite songs. Just Dance 4 is no exception to its predecessors, and if you like this kind of game then you are not likely to be disappointed by Ubisoft’s latest offering."

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What I Don't Want To See At E3 2016

Chris from BagoGames writes: There's always that moment during E3 that drags. That moment in which you're rolling your eyes, sighing, waiting for the next big thing to come

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Gaming_Cousin2929d ago (Edited 2929d ago )

What I don't want to see at E3:

Sales reports
Call of Duty
VR (Unless they have amazing looking games)
New Apps on consoles
TV crap
Digital Comics
Fake acting in multiplayer games ex. Division
CGI teasers (Seriously seeing a teaser is basically saying, NOT coming out this year) Does anyone remember Agent? I can handle CGI trailers that shows how the game would be, but if you're just going to show me the title of your game without any information then take that teaser and shove it.
Live cringy performances

Rimeskeem2929d ago

I can almost guarantee you that Call of Duty, Madden, Destiny, VR, and CGI teasers will be there.

Geekman2929d ago


(I love you Nintendo but that was too easy.)

Relientk772929d ago

Crash Bandicoot in Skylanders
Knack 2


California Teacher Plays Just Dance 4 for 138 Straight Hours, Sets Record

Along the way, Carrie Swidecki also raised over $7,000 for charity.

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generalwinter3260d ago

That's really awesome - a good example of how gaming can have a real, positive impact. Way to go.

1nsomniac3260d ago (Edited 3260d ago )

Bullshit. I hate these stupid world record/ charity claims people make these days. She clearly didn't "dance" without stopping at all for almost 6 days. The human body could not take it!

Has anyone ever tried to see what happends to you when you force it not to sleep? As someone who suffered from insomnia for a period of my life. Your body cannot cope & has periods of rapid shutdowns were it will randomly switch off for a few seconds completely numbing it. No matter what you're currently doing. After 72 hours you may aswell just drop a few acid tabs because you'll be seeing & talking to things that arnt there & generally going a bit mental. After that point it gets dangerous & if you've had no rest your heart will go in to overtime & you'll have cardiac arrest. Claiming to be dancing at this point is ridiculous.

Dasteru3260d ago

Beat me to it. Was going to say they would have needed to hook this person up to a powered exoskeleton for the last couple days and zombie dance them. With constant physical exertion, they actually most likely wouldn't have lasted 2 days.

iceman063259d ago

I don't know what records she broke. However, if it's Guiness Book's records, they have strict guidelines as to how one could do this. That includes mandatory breaks for food, drink, and bathroom. I remember a streamer a couple of years ago trying to go for a 3 day record. He fell asleep on the toilet after about 50 hours. (of course I didn't watch the entire time, just checked in a couple of times) Either way, he talked about how he HAD to follow the guidelines in order to be considered for the record.

CaulkSlap3259d ago

In other news - California teacher fired for meth possession.


California school teacher plays 'Just Dance 4' for 138 hours to set world record

The all-time marathon world record for video game play has fallen

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3260d ago Replies(3)
5yb5n6u3260d ago

rest assured parents.
your children is in the good hands!

Kidmyst3260d ago

When does she eat, or use the bathroom over a almost 6 day period and the toll of no sleep for that long on her body.

nX3260d ago

While dancing... I guess.