
Scribblenauts Unlimited Review | EuroGamer

EuroGamer: "Taken on its own, Scribblenauts Unlimited is dull, simplistic, and devoid of challenge. What begins as an unbridled experiment in omnipotence swiftly devolves into a lackadaisical chore. It's still rife with warmth, humour and creativity, and the Wii U's TV support transforms the solitary snickering of previous Scribblenauts into a party game that's especially well suited to the young or inebriated. For this reason alone, I could see it becoming a worthwhile purchase from a clearance bin - but if it were chucked into a cornfield I wouldn't miss it."

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1upgamer994312d ago

This review is the the only bad review I have seen. MOST are giving it a 90/100, 9/10 4.5/5....So I would guess this guy just did not like the game. I personally have not played it. It seems like a rental game for my taste.


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10 Words You Won't Believe Actually Work in Scribblenauts

Scribblenauts has long been a series lauded for its wealth of adjectives and nouns. Sometimes, it's astounding to discover exactly how far this can go, and that's why we have gone to the trouble of scouring for the most obscure and curious words that somehow yield results.

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Scribblenauts: On the discovery and demise of video game franchises

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DualWielding3101d ago

the problem of scribblenauts is that it just couldn't work on Playstation/Xbox... Nintendo, PC and Mobile was not enough to support the franchise

grashopper3101d ago

Why wouldn't it? Think it would work great with the PlayStation second screen app. Doesn't Xbox have something similar too? Use the phone or tablet to type and the controller to play.

CorndogBurglar3101d ago

I'm not real sure a 2nd screen is even necessary. I've only played the DC Comics one, but they could have easily mapped all of the buttons from the touch screen to a controller to pull up the menus.....