
Size Matters: How Big Is Your Machine?

Curious how the next-gen consoles compare in size when they're lined up beside one another? Here's an interesting little chart from Jason Chen that shows the PS3 (red), Xbox 360 (green), and Wii (purple). Heck!, it even has a cameo of the old school NES (yellow) console.

eques judicii6506d ago

i remember back when the original xbox came out and everyone laughed at how big it is... said it would fail because it was too big... now the ps3 is a behemoth (and weighs even more.. five kilograms!!!)

Captain Tuttle6506d ago

And that's the only reason that this article is even remotely interesting.

Sphinx6506d ago

I don't have enough room for all three right next to each other in my entertainment center! Thanks for the warning, PS3 Fan! :) j/k Good read though, quite interesting!

kmis876506d ago

Well, the 360 does get the advantage of having an external power supply.

TheMART6505d ago

I think it's actually an advantage. If the power brick burns down it can't damage anything else. Second, the heat from the power supply is not in the console. Third, it saves space like we see. Fourth when it brakes down, the switch costs are low with an external powersupply.

Internal one? Sending it back to Sony corp. Charging you much much money and are slow in giving it back. I know because of the PS2 and the drive that broke down...

And the reason of having a power supply that's ugly? Bull. It's at the back of anything that the TV stands on

unleash bass6505d ago

Does any one really care how big they are? Personally I'm not bothered, if I want a new console then I'll get it and make room for it, under, on top, at the side of, etc. the TV. I was never put of buying the xbox because of it's size it was the best available at the time so I had one stuff the size.

Don't know how nintendo have managed to keep the Wii so small.

Arkham6505d ago

2 years after the release date, my early unit finally refused to play or recognize disks, too. I called Sony re: the DRE issue, and they told me what to do. I sent the unit in, and 5 days later got it back, free shipping, with an all new drive mechanism, head, and other electronics fixed. Nothing wrong with that service, esp. after 2 years.

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gold_drake5d ago

ff 16 cid is pretty hot.

also ff7 rebirth cid is pretty hot haha

4d ago
anast4d ago

'Opportunities to objectify male characters are rare'

Sounds like the writer needs more life experience.