
Wii U CPU and GPU Clock Speeds revealed, slower than PS3/360

"Well known hacker Marcan, who played a part in hacking the PS3, has found out the clock speeds of the Wii U."

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That-Guy4316d ago

Nintendo never really feels like they need to capitalize on better tech. They'll still sell well with first party titles of course, but it's not a good long term stretch.

Akuma-4316d ago ShowReplies(28)
lilbroRx4316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

Sadly, you will not be only person who comes here and gets hammered with disagrees and bubble downs for pointing out a fact that's not convenient.

The general goal of most modern CPU/GPU is to get more performance at lower clock speeds and has been for about 7 years.

My Quad Core i5 runs at a lowers clock speed than my previous Core 2 Quad Q6600 but it outperforms it by near 3 times while using less electricity to do it.

My new GTX 560 Ti also consumes less power than my previous GTX 260 but outperforms it in every possible category by leaps.

None of the Nintendo haters here want to hear things like that though.

They don't want to understand these differences. They just wanna scream "Oh, look at those low numbers, its so weak, haha!" With complete ignorance of what those numbers mean or how they work. Pure fanboyism.

crinale4316d ago

But this CPU's architecture is same as like 1999 (when Power Mac G3 came out). People are worried because the clock speed is not impressive AND the architecture is ancient.

PhunnyJesta4316d ago

But games have already proven that the performance isn't there *cough* batman "frame rate" city *cough*

AsimLeonheart4316d ago

Just admit it that the console is weak. Stop hoping against hope and trying to find something else to hang onto until that vanishes as well.

ExCest4316d ago

Exactly. People don't get it. I can have a super overclocked dual-core Pentium (if those exist) and it'll be crap to an i3. Newer architecture allows this phenomenon to exist. Calling the WiiU out on clock speeds is like saying ssd's suck because their capacity is lower than an hdd, and thus worse.

ProjectVulcan4316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

Although clockspeed alone is no real measure of performance, we have other known factors that would help shed light on the matter. Clockspeeds of the chip only confirm to us that it is exceptionally slow.

Crucially, we have information like the die sizes from anandtech's teardown and the machine's power consumption.

We know that the CPU then is really small built on 45nm, no bigger than 360's CPU and definitely smaller than PS3's. In context PS3's CPU is small(234m transistors) compared to a modern dual core chip, even a Pentium G630 is over 500 million transistors, around half of that is cache.

"My Quad Core i5 runs at a lowers clock speed than my previous Core 2 Quad Q6600 but it outperforms it by near 3 times while using less electricity to do it."

The reason for this is not magic, it is just a sandy bridge i5 quad core has MORE than DOUBLE the number of transistors as a Core 2 Q6600. (by the way, all these chips have higher clocks than Q6600 too) It is made on a more advanced process so the transistors it has are smaller and allows further optimal design. However if you made them on the same process size, the i5 chip will be much, much larger.

As we know the process size and die size of Wii U's CPU, then it is plainly not chock full of transistors that small. The only thing that was going to save Wii U's CPU here then was having a really fast clockspeed like over 4ghz. But looking at the power consumption it was fairly clear this wasn't gonna be happening.

We know the architecture is old, we know the die is not very big, we know the power consumption is low. Even before we knew the clockspeeds, we knew then this was not a fast CPU and all this does is confirm low clockspeeds too.

Because of the wide array of factors now known, clockspeed as well, there can be no denying how slow the CPU is. Its very small, its based on old architecture, its low power, and its low clockspeeds.

thezeldadoth4316d ago

this isnt a site to post factual statements like that.

lpc4316d ago

Meray lun pay charay Wii U gando. Ps3 theek ha.... Gand marai reggie bhanchod kutta dala dhoka day raha ha ye gandu tum logon ko ye puri nintendo comany xbox say gand marai ja k

nukeitall4316d ago


You are correct, but what we often neglect to think about is how does this all balance out. We know for instance that PS3 and to a lesser extent Xbox 360 is bottlenecked at the RAM.

The Wii has 1GB minimum and it may even get more as the OS gets optimized further.

ProjectVulcan4316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

Well how does all this balance out?

You mean overall system performance. It seems fairly obvious that Wii U's overall system performance is not significantly greater than PS3 or 360. I said before it is more like insignificantly faster than 360/PS3.

Wii U has strengths and weaknesses but like a lot of things, the lowest performing aspect will effectively limit maximimum performance in the end.

We'll see some really nice looking Wii U games but don't expect anything that blows away 360/PS3 nor anything a budget gaming PC can't already do/has done for years now.

The amount of RAM Wii U has is already a strength compared to the other consoles, so a bit more free RAM isn't really going to help much. Whereas something like PS3's RAM was critically important versus 360 so every last megabyte counted when Sony shrunk the OS.

Nintendo could look at freeing up CPU cycles if the OS uses a bit. Don't expect too much though. Even a massive clockspeed jump on PSP (when sony unlocked the CPU from 222mhz to 333mhz) only slightly improved graphics.

Wii U's CPU is just outright slow even by 2005 standards which is pretty amazing really. Devs now have to work with what they have got.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4316d ago
4316d ago
Muerte24944316d ago

articles all over again. When Xbox360 launch is was $400 for the premium and $300 for the arcade. The Wii U launch price was $300 basic, and $350 deluxe. The author also failed to mention that these were simply ports and nothing else. The developers simply rushed out a product just to say they had something available at launch. I already own a ps3 and Xbox360 so why would I buy a Wii U for multiplatform games? I'm buying it for titles that I can only get on the WII U.

AsimLeonheart4316d ago

You maybe buying Wii U for exclusives but many including Nintendo were touting the "superior" multi-platform games. Please dont change your stance once the Wii U has been proven weak conclusively.

lpc4316d ago

Meray lun pay charay Wii U gando. Ps3 theek ha.... Gand marai reggie bhanchod. Wii U aur puri nitendo gand marai ja k Microsoft say .

Theyellowflash304316d ago

The only thing thats been proven is that current generation games are CPU dependant and Wii U asks developers to use new modern tech a GPGPU that assigns the GPU tasks the CPU would usually do. Its obvious developers are rushing ports out, leading to some bad ports.

Blaze9294316d ago

I think Wii all know the Wii U is pretty much what should have been released 6 years ago.

Errod884316d ago

100% agree with you on that one.

MEsoJD4316d ago

I agree as well. This is Nintendos first hd console and it's really showing. Now they are going to play catch up. I'm afraid that it's going to be Wii all over again. While we will get some first party gems, everything else including third party will suffer.
Where's the incentive for consumers with 360/PS3 to pick up the WiiU? For me, it's certainly not the tablet controller. At this point, I'm going to consider picking one up until a discount and some more quality games come out. $300 is asking too much for what they are offering at the moment.

bigfish4316d ago

i dont know if its just me, but i kind of like weaker hardware,, its something rudimentary and mechanical about it,, like pushing a small 1.2 Litre car engine to its limits rather then a hulking big V8 engine that will not be pushed to its extremes,,, more basic hardware has a novel feel about it, that big specs and chips dont have. do others share the same feeling or is it just me?

ozzywazzy4316d ago

^ This is what Nintendo has come to.

JamieL4316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

I don't know that I can say I "like", or prefer weaker hardware, but at the same time I can't say I'm against it in any way either. I still plug in the SNES from time to time, and I still have fun. I LOVED a lot of the Wii games this gen as well. I also love the latest “most cutting edge” games too though. I think it just boils down to, I love “GAMES”, I have since I was 3 and handed an Atari 2600 joystick. I still remember my first NES Christmas, it was f#%kin epic to actually own Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, and be able to bust it anytime. I just like games, no matter if it’s on the most powerful PC, or an sorry old Tiger Watch, I don’t care I’m down period. I guess I can say, it doesn't matter at all to me either, as long as the game's fun.

deafdani4316d ago

As a big Nintendo fan, you embarrass me. If weak hardware excites you that much, go play an Atari 2600.

Man-E-Faces4315d ago (Edited 4315d ago )

Nintendo "CAN" do both you know, release good games and have their console pack a punch SNES is a good example of this. You know what pisses me off about Nintendo and shows just how cheap profit driven scrooge of a company they have become is when Reggie says "It only takes 1 game sold at launch to turn a profit on the Wii U", this really disgusts me with all the profit turned from DS,Wii and now 3ds they couldn't pack the Wii U with better guts and take a loss for at least a year or two and truly future proof the Wii U against the PS4,next Xbox, or better yet why didn't they just wait a half year longer, why rush it out to the market when it's clearly not much of an improvement over the PS3,360. Do they really think people are going to choose to buy their multiplats (if they get any) over their PS4, next Xbox? Heck people who own a PS3,360 right now are/will probably still buy their multiplats for those systems instead of their Wii U.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4315d ago
shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

wiiU2 in 2017. will be announced 2016.

Zhipp4316d ago

...That actually sounds pretty reasonable.

donman14316d ago

More nonsense post from faceless so called hackers/specialist.

I will use this as my source. This is the real specs of the Wii U.

MEsoJD4316d ago

.... do you have a source that isn't called,"zeldainformer&quo t;?

profgerbik4316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

Been saying this forever but I just get called a fanboy or a troll but I just realize what Nintendo has been doing for years now and I am tired of it.

Richest gaming division in the world yet they produce the weakest cheapest devices in the gaming industry.

God I sound like broken record but when will people open their eyes and stop accepting this type of business practice? Nintendo is practically raping it's consumers blind and they could careless. They remind me more of Apple than Nintendo these days.

The Wii U isn't even worth the money it cost now. Just like the 3DS was never worth $250 when it was first released also.

How can you price something that is weaker, has less features and simply cannot out perform 7 year old consoles pricing it for more than what those consoles sell for now?

I mean fuck you can get a Xbox 360 for $99 and a PS3 for $200 yet they still out perform this new system.. So Nintendo feels it should cost more than those? How does this add up to people? It doesn't to me that is why I stopped buying Nintendo's cheap crap.

Thing is I am not even a graphics whore, I just enjoy good games but it's getting to a point in time where you just expect better hardware because it's easily available.

Just like you wouldn't expect to be driving a steam powered car in 2012 still, as much as it may get you by just fine without it being a problem, you still have to think why the hell hasn't it gotten any better or changed yet? Pretty much how I feel every time Nintendo releases something new..

People are still making excuses for this thing saying oh well it may not be as powerful as the PS4 or 720.. Really!? No, I think there is a snowballs chance in hell it would be, considering it's not more powerful than 7 year old systems, it would make literally no sense at all if was close to the PS4 or 720..

admiralvic4316d ago

While a lot of people come in with these insane requests, does anyone remember that the gamepad is ALSO included? To me I always felt like that was where a good % of the costs went. I mean, did you REALLY expect a device on par with the PS4 / next Xbox with the gamepad all for 300 dollars? To me that just seems insane. By no means am I defending the Wii U, but people seem to act like the gamepad is a 10 dollar freebie included so people can use the device, but in reality it's a nifty device that lets you play without looking at the TV. Do I think that justifies it existing? No, of course not. Do I think it should be factored into the price? I don't see how you could logically explain Nintendo losing money on every gamepad and selling the system at 200 or so (what it's probably worth).

KiLLUMiNATi_894316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

That's why I skipped it.., ill wait for next Xbox or ps4... Nintendo is so so deceiving.......

FATAL1TY4316d ago Show
nerdkiller4316d ago ShowReplies(3)
4316d ago Replies(2)
BuLLDoG9094316d ago

Well atleast all them BS articles stating "next gen" has started can stop until the true next gen actually starts....
Its a disgrace that lesser tech releasing over 5 year from whats currently available was ever considered next gen...

The WiiU will never produce the same sort of success that the wii brought in, a big chunk of the casual market must feel robbed by the gimmick that was the original wii, and now the more hardcore gamer finally hears the truth about the wiiuU..
when the next PS and xbox release.. damn, even when there officially announced and show some demos, the wiiU's going to be forgotten about as if it were the equivalent of 6 year old tech.. oh wait...

N4g_null4316d ago

Why is lesser tech Producing better frame rates and rendering to two screens? I'm not seeing screen lag or of lower avg fps. If the wiiu can do this then iPhones will blow next gen ps and xboxes completely out of the water.

This reminds me of the Xbox 360 sucking yet some how producing gears of war.

Man you really have to love those closed systems!

jessupj4315d ago

I agree.

People keep going on about "it's not about the power, it's about the next iteration of the console that determines if it's next gen"

But really... how can you call the Wii U next gen?

I don't care what people say, when you hear the words 'next gen' you expect a significant increase in power. From what we've seen it's slightly better than current gen consoles.

The Wii U is current gen, plain and simple.

4316d ago
ATi_Elite4316d ago

WiiU Emulator coming REALLY REALLY soon to a PC near you!

(I may not buy Nintendo Consoles but I sure as heck will buy Nintendo Games and play them on my PC)

fatstarr4316d ago

I dont know man, wii emulation crippled most superior pcs that were speccd up

I lvel cpu's or quad cores
4-32 gb of ram
2x mid tier or better gpu

now wii emulation is 90% stable, and usable
I think theres along way to go for wiiu. but if its still truly built upon the gamecube/wii architecture things may happen faster.

DarkHeroZX4316d ago


My Asus 17" gaming laptop runs Dolphin at 100% with huge power to spare. I don't think the Wii U is going to cause a huge bump in performance.

WiiUsauce4316d ago

I've heard that development costs for next gen games are going to be astronomical. In my personal opinion, I think current gen games still look amazingly beautiful. games like Gears of War Judgement, God of War Ascension, Ni No Kuni, Journey, Bastion, ect. If developers can still make great looking games like those I listed on Wii U, I'm okay with that. Plus, I'm still getting the neXbox and next Sony console anyway, so I really could care less.

farhad2k84316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

Glad to see all the comments 'protecting' the Wii-U get bombarded with disagree's. I'm sorry but if a so called 'next gen' console is on par/worse than the previous gen, it's just not cut out to be a leading console, but since this world is cruel, and things like CoD, iPhone 5, Beats Headphones exist, I guess the Wii-U can too. I just don't get it. Unfair world we live in, time to listen to some Mad World.

fatstarr4316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

when one understands that, thats just a number clocked down and that its a clock speed.

know that those numbers can be over clocked for more oomph and to push the hardware to its limits, when you disregard its low energy consumption and low heat .

these numbers are really low but they still produce comparable material because the parts were built /designed / modified to run at those speeds.

you want 2.7ghz with a fan spinning for its life or a quiet system that pulls out the guns when it has to.

N4g_null4316d ago

Look at that speed now tell me how can you run so many ports on a CPU the is one third of the speed of the target platforms. How is that even possible?

If the wiiu is so weak why can it even do such a thing? This is like a 4 cylinder keeping up with a 12 cylinder. How is that even pOssible? Please ask and answer that question if you want to keep claiming you know this tech.

Some thing is helping this tech keep pace with chips that run at much higher cycles. I wonder what that could be?

Try benchmarking an overclocked amd chip against an i7. Sure the amd runs faster but the i7 will smoke it.

I guess every one will just wait till Sony does the same thing with an apu then it will be high tech.

Sony always had better tech hype men though.

I'm pretty impressed with the tech so far and I'm wondering how high they can ram this chip at a lower nm. What if over clocking was introduced?

The GDC should be lots of fun now. By the way bops2 runs just fine on this slow CPU for some reason? Maybe nintendo will give someone the factor 5 card. Who knows but many are trying to crack this egg.

WiiStation_3604315d ago

Proof that a 4 cylinder can keep up with a 12 cylinder... http://www.youtube.com/watc...

It's not what you have, it is what you do with it that counts. :D

UnwanteDreamz4311d ago

lol nevermind the fact that the Lambos almost twice as heavy or that the Civic wins in a quarter mile but has a lower top speed.

Either way it's a strawman .

showtimefolks4316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

most people who work in the gaming industry say that nintendo was a gen behind anyway so they are basically catching up to sony and ms.

also 3rd parry troubles will continue for nintendo long term. when ps4,xbox720 are released you can bet they will be a lot more powerful than current gen consoles. ps3,xbox360 came out 6-7 years ago so now when a new machine is released it will be quite an upgrade over the current systems

i am still happy that nintendo's 1st party games will be in HD like my favorite zelda. but to all the nintendo fanboys or fanboys in general who say wii-u is next gen than they are just wrong.

the real competetion is between ms and sony so that's why both will ignore wii-u and so will a lot of big publishers when it comes to big games. don't expect GTA to come to wiiu. there is a bigger chance of GTA coming to VIta before it comes out on wii-u


well let's see wii had such great 3rd party support oh wait. the last N console to get great 3rd party support was NES now think about how long ago that was. wii was one time thing now a lot of those casuals have moved onto mobile gaming since its cheaper and kinect/move has a sold well too.

for all the money nintendo spent on the gamepad, they should have spent that on actual specs because when ps4,xbox720 comes out wii-u will become last gen agai.

publishers have been saying this for a while now that the tech is old and its holding back the industry so how are those same publishers gonna jump on a wii-u system that is basically a ps3,xbox2360?

i know some people are hating on wii-u and i get that but facts aree facts nintendo had a chance to really take next gen by the horn and have a year ahead start but like always they went after gimmicks instead of actual system upgrade

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 4311d ago
Cyb3r4316d ago

Wow I can't see Nintendo surviving the next gen battle now

Nerdmaster4316d ago

I agree. It won't sell anything, just like Wii didn't sell at all because it was much weaker than PS3 and Xbox 360. Or like DS didn't sell because of the PSP. Or 3DS because of Vita.

gazgriff2k124316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

these guys dont rememer much (silly graphics hoes) the wii, DS, ps2, ps1 all outsold there competion dispite being the weakest console of the time. its been proved again and agian that graphics mean shit go and try crysis 2 maxed on pc then have a go on timeplitters 2 ps2 and tell me which 1 u had the most fun with

Lior4316d ago

Lol wii sold the most compared to ps3 and 360 because all the parents bought it

zebramocha4316d ago

The wii did so well because the wiimote and the ps360 are 30 mil in reaching distance of the wii,3ds sales were no better than the ps vita until price cut,ds cheapest handheld.

killerhog4316d ago


Ps1 was better at rendering 3d polygons, Saturn better at rendering 2d. So its a matter of opinion of which was stronger. Dreamcast was the weakest of the 128 bit era. Though they say, the Dc had a lot of untouched power, but I don't know if it would of made a difference. Ps2 games were looking better than Dc games of its last year and only got better with time.

Legion214316d ago

Please tell me this is sarcasm.

Thatguy-3104316d ago

The wii u doesnt cater to the same audience that the wii did. Plus the "casual" have invested themselves into the ios and android platform hence the lack of wii consoles sold. Nintendo has themselves cornered up next gen I honestly see the competition slaying them since it doesnt have the casual appeal that the wii had when it came out. Yea you can bring up how much they sold this gen but have you forgotten what happened to it the last 2 gens? This gen the casual saved them and I truly dont think they will do the same this time around.

miyamoto4315d ago

people did not buy the wii for the specs, the wii sold more "initially" because it was the cheapest price home console

it was a safe bet & an easy way to make money

now people did not get the PS3 or 360 for the expensive price, these consoles sold "initially' because of the HD specs.

if i remember right Nintendo is gunning for the casuals and these PS3 & 360 gamers to play with their Wii U HD console

We will see if they can be 'successful' on these two goals

TheUndertaker854315d ago

@dboyc310: I hope you aren't trying to be serious.





Nintendo's own commercials show their real interests. Kids and casuals.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4315d ago
TiberusX874316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )


The Wii was pretty much a reboxed GameCube with motion controls and it outsold everything. Heck, it was the same all the way back with the Gameboy too, which was also underpowered compared to the competition.

It's always been that way. They play a different game and do their own thing.

I don't limit myself by discounting anything and go where the games are. Hardware is irrelevant if there aren't good games available for the platform.

Cyb3r4316d ago

The Wii had a revolutionary motion controller that made it fun for people of all ages to play even old people who have never played videogames. Almost everyone can pickup and play. The Wii U has a touch screen controller that doesnt exactly revolutionise the way people play games as we have seen with the launch titles. And it also costs more than the PS3 and 360 because of its controller. I dont think it would have killed Nintendo to put higher specs than the current gen consoles considering high speed ram is dirt cheap and cpus and gpus have dropped in price over the last 6 years

killerhog4316d ago

I never met an old person/couple playing wii. The only old people I seen play a wii was actors in its commercials. Not even people my age (female or male) wanted to play it for my sis bday.

Imalwaysright4316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

Motion controls have been around since 1982 (google "le stick") There was nothing revolutionary about the Wii. I agree however that price had a big role in the Wii succeess but i remember that at some point MS released a 360 SKU that was least expensive than the Wii and the Wii still outsold it every single month. The thing was obviously popular and far from being a fad.

O.T. im still buying a Wii U for Zelda so to me is not a big deal. If i want performance Ill wait for the PS4 and stick with my PC.

Feralkitsune4316d ago

Well, the Wii was a hell of a lot weaker than PS3, and 360 but look how that turned out. You guys need to realize that you likely aren't nintendo's target audience in the first place.

ozzywazzy4316d ago

But neither are the casuals and soccer moms who did most of the buying for the Wii. Nintendo is stuck between a rock and a hard DICK!

cooperdnizzle4316d ago

Yes that is true, but how the hell do you come out with a console 6 years later and still have a weaker console then current? I get the wii being underpowered totally, and i would get if the wii u was underpowered to the ps4/720 but being weaker then a ps3 years later, pretty lame. They should have at least made it stronger then what is already out there, and let sony and m$ come out with the stronger tech again

MEsoJD4316d ago

While the Wii can be considered a success for Nintendo the same cant be said about third parties. Casuals would buy very little software and this is a big reason why the console is basically dead. While the motion controls created a lot of hype, it didn't bring longevity to the console. Sony/Microsoft depend on software sales largely for profit and try to ensure longevity(hence why they are 6 to 7 years old and still strong).
I think it was a very bad mistake not to have the original wii launch without hdmi. Now they are starting new while Sony/Microsoft have already learned a lot.

Eyeco4316d ago

If that's so , why has Nintendo stated many times that there trying to appeal to the hardcore ? Which pretty much accounts to PS3, 360 and to a lesser extent PC gamers , and your right it doesn't appeal to them, why do you think all these hate articles are comming out ?

PS3 and 360 owners aren't gonna fork out $350 to play games they already own or can play on their consoles especially with zero graphical difference and in some cases worse. That's why the Wii u is getting hate because its tryibg to appeal to a demographic that has no real reason to buy it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4316d ago
specialguest4316d ago

Wii was a weak last Gen tech console, yet it destroyed the competition in profitability and sales. This proves that high specs doesn't equal winning the console war.

Sheep4life4316d ago

Lets be honest, the Wii only proved that it could get the people who have never or don't play games to buy their console. Just ask Microsoft, before the Kinect launch, Microsoft was sinking in sales. After Kinect launched, Microsoft has taken over sales in the US. Now ask yourself, does the Kinect make the Hardcore experience any better (is Halo any good with Kinect)? Exactly my point. No it doesn't, but the parents and small kids love it. The response I get from many of my family members who don't play games is, "The kids love it, they play 2 hours, and they are ready to go to bed."

Take a really good look at the Wii library. You will see it is full of first party software. Where are the Third party games? Exactly, no one has the resources to build a game for the Wii. Besides, research shows that the casual gamers are buying the shovel ware, and if it isn't mario brothers or zelda the games do not sell on the Wii.

profgerbik4316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

I can't believe you ever saw it period. I honestly feel like you were missing something or just being brainwashed if you thought anything about the Wii U was next gen.

About as next gen as it's get's is Nintendo's next console. Other than that it's not next generation anything.

I also don't get why this is a shocker as Nintendo has been doing this type of crap for years now for literally no reason other than being money grubbers.

People can talk about how Nintendo is the boss at selling, true that but you can play their cheap ass devices while you brag about their sales. Clearly they care about their consumers a lot by constantly giving them cut down crap just to sell to you, when everyone knows they have far more money than any other person in the industry right now and are capable of doing so much more but they never do.

They would rather keep making money of their fans who never expect more from them. Just like Apple, Nintendo knows they can get away with just about anything and people will buy it.

Quetzll4316d ago

Nintendo has the least amount of money. Strictly games/systems. There are no Nintendo TVs or operating systems. They haven't been selling multiple forms of media, like M$ or $ony, for decades now. So they're excused from needing to directly compete with two other mega-media brands. Gamecube had to compete directly with Xbox and PS2. The only thing that made the systems sell were their exclusives. Nintendo took the biggest hit, being a strict game company. Obviously, they had no choice but to learn from this, since for now on, they're competing with M$, $ony, and PC. So, the Wii was meant to be different. The Wii also had to be inexpensive. But, overall, had to have memorable, unique, and fun games. Which it had plenty of.

Also, the fact that the launch games look as good as they do should be enough for you to recognize its potential.

I mean, come on. Have you even imagined what the next first person Metroid is going to look like?

madjedi4315d ago

"I mean, come on. Have you even imagined what the next first person Metroid is going to look like?"

And who says nintendo will bother invest that heavily into new dev software required to make a next gen metroid or zelda.

Look at nintendo's lineup, nothing there screams, superbly detailed worlds or games like ms and sony exclusives.

Why do nintendo fans, believe they will see the wii u's uncharted 3, that is sony or ms style . Nintendo makes very heavily stylised games, not detailed graphical games.

Nintendo could make their benchmark equivalent to halo 4 or uncharted 3, but i don't see nintendo spending the money to advance their games that far.

I do love the spin attempt here trying to excuse nintendo for releasing weak hardware yet again. After being the only manufacturer to be making a profit day one and selling 90-100 million units.

That is more bullshit than campaign promises.

STGuy10404316d ago

I believe comparisons speak for themselves:

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Wii U Graphics Comparison

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4315d ago
4316d ago Replies(1)
Neonridr4316d ago

lol, yet somehow Ubisoft can make AC3 look at least identical to the 360 and PS3 versions with that slow of a processor on a launch title (which we all know is a poor indication of what games can truly look like - compare Madden 13 to Madden 06 on the Xbox 360).

People just don't seem to understand that the clock speed isn't the only thing that dictates how good a processor is. Processors today don't have to be 3.0Ghz per core to achieve the same results as chips from back in 2005/2006. You can probably achieve the same results with MUCH lower clock speeds since the chips themselves are more advanced.

And we all know that the Graphics card is built around a GPGPU, so we all know that calculations that would normally be done by the CPU can be offloaded and done with the GPU instead.

I am not saying that the Wii U is super advanced or anything, I fully expect the 720 and PS4 to be significantly more powerful, but if the Wii U can at least match the 360 and PS3 with that weak of a CPU and the GPU, then what does that say about the power of the 360 or PS3?

Just relax and enjoy the games.

wishingW3L4316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

and by offloading CPU work to the GPU they are eating its resources instead of using it for what it was designed for. To push graphical effects.

GPGPU is a double edge sword....

SandwichHammock4316d ago

Earlier on, yes, your statement would be correct as pinoneering GPGPU processors needed what one could call middleware in a sense, to change data that a GPGPU could use.

With current day GPGPUs they are far more advanced and are designed for this type of thing.

From a technical and gaming perspective I really don't like GPGPUs as I strongly believe small nM APUs with dedicated task cores are the way of the future.

lilbroRx4316d ago

Go do some research on GPGPU. It can do the those processes a lot more efficiently sense it doesn't have to barter with the CPU.

Its actually all around better.

N4g_null4315d ago

I love the ideas floating around apus but they will run into similar problems since they are basically the same thing. The wiiu is designed around load balancing using some radical methods. Lots of free compression for almost every thing.

It would be nice if ms and Sony just gave us two wiius duck taped together but the last time I looked the next Xbox was only going to be 20-30% more powerful and that was used for kinect 2.0. Hey but plans change every day. So who knows.

Nintendo has one heck of a weak system here and I'm pretty impressed they could get that much out of it.

So a $600 ps4 should be way more powerful!

Beastforlifenoob4316d ago

Why does everyone say "compare madden 06 to 13" or something, how do you know it's going to improve? What if Assassins creed 3 had maximized the possible graphical efficiency on the WII U. How do you know the graphics are going to get better over time? The graphics of the WII rarely changed over a time of like 5 years...

PopRocks3594316d ago

I'll give you three contradictions there.

Iwata stated that not a single launch game used more than 50% of the Wii U's power for one thing.

Gearbox claims the Wii U version of Aliens Colonial Marines will look the best.

The makers of Nano Assault Neo stated that they were able to do things graphically on the Wii U that they could not on the 360 or PS3.

RmanX10004316d ago (Edited 4316d ago )

Power shouldnt matter as much. Games should. As long as i enjoy games on a system, i will buy a system. Power is irrelevant to me as long as the gameplay is solid fun and not repetitive.

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I have to disagree. Personally, I feel like DD2 still needs a lot of optimization. I really dislike games that try to sell a bunch of DLC when their game is still a mess.

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This, RDR2, Bloodborne.... and of course, Life of Black Tiger.


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