
Wii U Display Issues with Certain 4:3 Screens

Have an older TV? Nintendo Wii U can still run on it, but may suffer from a cropped image when viewing in certain 4:3 screens.

Whilst most folks would be playing on a widescreen TV, there are some users who still use sets with a 4:3 aspect or monitors with a boxed ratio. This small percentage of Wii U owners might end up with parts of the screen trimmed off, for example within the Wii U menu system itself or parts of the display in games.

Reports are suggesting that it's not an issue that's seen in all 4:3 units, instead in specific screens where overscanning occurs; parts of the image are lost in the TV's plastic framing as below:

lashes2ashes4319d ago

In my opinion wiiu is a hd wii... So what would be the point in buying one if you don't have a hd tv? If you can pay a couple hundred dollars for a wiiU you should have a hd tv even if its small and crapy you can get one for little more than 100$.

PygmelionHunter4319d ago

That's kind of unfair, I remember playing my PS3 on my SDTV for a little over a year I think, just because HDTVs in my country are anything but cheap, still managed to enjoy my PS3.

Also, saying that the Wii U is an HD Wii is like saying that the PS3 is an HD PS2...

V0LT4319d ago

HD wii? LOL.. Games like AC3 could never even dream to be able to run on the Wii.

lashes2ashes4319d ago

People said crysis would not be possible on current consoles for years and now it's on psn.. I'm shure it looks like crap compared to pc but it runs on it.. Lower the textures and lighting effects and lower the resolution and I bet ubisoft could get the main core of the game to run on wii.

cervantes994319d ago

4:3 really? Come on now - invest in an HDTV for cryin' out loud.

neogeo4319d ago

What about me? I own a HDTV that is 4.3 It's a beautiful crt picture, Son'y made in 2004 720p,1080i but it's not wide screen:(

cervantes994319d ago

Sorry, I didn't realize there were 4:3 HDTVs - my bad :)


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