
Dragon Eternity Review | MMOGameCentral

Dragon Eternity is a genre defining, browser-based MMORPG game that offers players the opportunity to dive into a hugely in-depth MMO world in the comfort of their internet browser.

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GamerHome: Dragon Eternity Review

GamerHome: "There’s one thing you should know about “Dragon Eternity” right off the bat, it’s an MMORPG that’s genuinely cross-play compatible."

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Dragon Eternity Review | ComboCaster

It has long been trying to make the smartphone and tablet gaming consoles. Casual gamers have joined the fashion, but the rest still have some reluctance and casual games do not get to impose. The MMORPG genre is also very difficult to enforce and are rare examples where one can succeed. Dragon Eternity aims to change that with a multi platform and can be played on mobile devices, can also be played on PC browser.

Dragon Eternity very wisely has a 2D approach in a genre that in recent times has not received any account that is not in 3D. Although at first glance you might think it could hurt the experience, the truth is that it is the perfect approach to iOS and it works decently in your browser. 3D games for the iPad in my opinion simply do not work. The analog to digital gameplay tends to offer poor control, but in Dragon Eternity, the point and click gameplay works quite well.

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3991d ago

Dragon Eternity Review | GodisaGeek

GodisaGeek: "The game itself is free (with in-app purchases for in-game money), but that said – and as beautiful as the world of Adan is – it counts for naught when the tasks you are given as a Level 1 character barely differ from those of Level 30. If you can handle the grind, there is a lot of RPG content here; at the very least, it certainly feels like this mobile version would be a nice accompaniment to the browser version. Dragon Eternity is a solidly built game that’s just lacking the variety required to make it worth putting the time in."

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