
Fallout 3 versions 'should all be the same date', says Bethesda

Todd Howard, executive producer of Fallout 3, has told videogaming247 that Bethesda's aim it to release the massively anticipated RPG for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC simultaneously.

"They should all be the same date," he said. "That's our plan."

The news will delight PlayStation 3 owners, who were forced to wait until April 2007 for a version of Bethesda's swords and sorcery smash, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, while Xbox 360 and PC versions hit in March 2006.

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ravinash6065d ago

Someone should tell him his garden needs some work.

MK_Red6065d ago

Good one CRIMS0N_W0LF :)
As for the Garden, I'll use my G.E.C.K to restore (Garden of Eden Creation Kit). God, this brings memories. The persuit of GECK in Fallout 2.

Great find and news.

Bolts6065d ago

I forgot what the GECK was used for at the end??

MK_Red6065d ago

Though there was a new city built with Vault 13's GECK in the end, it had no real use for those that needed it the most, namely, main population of Arroyo.

TheExecutive6065d ago

lol at the picture. Any news on Fallout3 and you can bet your A$$ that Mk is in the top 5 comments :).

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PirateThom6065d ago

Hmmmm... should I buy this game?


Duh, everyone should buy this game.

Keowrath6065d ago

I'll be getting it for PS3, I hope that it is a simultaneous release but it's not gonna stop me picking it up as soon as it comes out. If it does come out together, awesome but if not I'm sure I'll have something to keep me busy.

Fishy Fingers6065d ago

So does anyone have a clue when ths is released? 2009?

warpbackspin6065d ago

"The game is scheduled to launch in the third quarter of 2008."

Xeikon6065d ago

I can't wait to get this for my 360.

I just hope that Besethda do not delay the 360 version because of technical issues with the PS3.

SUP3R6065d ago

Why do all of your posts have to be retarded fanboy comments?

heyheyhey6065d ago

way to spread bullsh!t in a non-offensive way

those technical issues are dying out- your going to have to find something else to cry about

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Cancelled Fallout game gets turned into mod while everyone waits for London's release

Fallout: Yesterday is the re-imagining of the cancelled Fallout 3 game, and it looks awesome.

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I Have A Confession, I Like The Fallout 3 Green Filter

The game looks too clean without it.

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isarai131d ago

How about you actually SHOW wtf you're talking about

Nacho_Z130d ago

Always annoying when articles do that.

I agree with them that the tv show was a bit on the clean side. They got loads right regarding set design etc but there's room for improvement.

gold_drake130d ago

i dont. it hurts my eyes. but im fairly ssensitive when it comes to that sort of stuff.

RyanWritesGood90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

Every Fallout seems to have their own color palate... New Vegas is basically brown, while 3 is green and gray. It's only 76 that has a robust color palate.

3 just isn't 3 without the green.


Amazon Prime Gaming May 2024 Games Lineup Looks Highly Promising

Amazon has announced its gaming lineup for May 2024 and it is one of the better months especially if you are an Amazon Prime subscriber.

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Retroman144d ago

I have Amazon Prime hardly ever use it and these games will not make me jump back to Prime.
Only use Prime for discounts on shipping.

Retroman144d ago

Games line-up looks Highly Promising.
Yeah if you Never played those games before.
or you just started gaming for the First time in your life it would seem "Promising "