
PlanetSide 2 Review [GameStooge]

Allen Roush reviews Sony Online Entertainment's long-awaited MMOFPS, PlanetSide 2.

Excerpt: "After you create your account and start the game for the first time, you pick your faction and server, and it takes you to your faction warp-gate. From there, you’re pretty much left on your own to do whatever you want. You can go anywhere, play as anything, and help your faction (try) to take over any of the three continents. While there are tool tips, and a short intro video to help out new players, there is no formal tutorial. This can be frustrating for first time players who have no idea what to do, especially since most battles end up happening three or four tiles away from where you originally spawn. Usually you’ll be able to catch on quickly, but if you don’t, there are plenty of players that can help you out.

Each continent can support up to 2000 players fighting simultaneously. This allows for extremely large battles and some truly epic moments. The feeling of being part of a...

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chasegarcia4321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

game is no bad but to call it a 5/5 is ridiculous. game is like a
2.5/5 to me. game-play is generic fps with little feedback. I can't really feel guns, vehicles, or the character model.

What I liked was that the game ran great with many players on screen.Besides that I will say this game has potential and it is good for a free game.

The really need to work on the objectives. They kinda just throw you in a huge map.
- i guess the reviewer really loved it.

camel_toad4321d ago

I loved the first one but after playing the planet side 2 beta some it just didn't do it for me. I know I was playing a beta but a 5/5 does seem difficult to stomach considering the mediocrity I played.

ThanatosDMC4321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

I suggest you join a squad/platoon that works together or you could join the many Outfits that are organized.

I've seen a lot of people just following the crowd of new players who dont know what they're doing. They're so stupid to attack a shielded building instead of the generators.

Hope you have a better time with the game later on.

The only thing i want for them to fix/nerf is the overpowered grenades. Getting 5-6 kills with one grenade is ridiculous even heavies with Nanite shields on get killed in one hit.

Right now the servers are suffering from bad lag spikes during insane amount of stuff happening usually in Tech/Bio Labs.

chasegarcia4321d ago

i would definitely play some more and take your advice. thanks.

camel_toad4321d ago

Yeh I intend to give it another chance now that it's been released. I definitely admit even though I was a ps1 vet I felt totally lost playing the ps2 beta.

urwifeminder4321d ago

The beta was awful ill try again on full release,does it use the same engine as mag? I think tribes is a little better.

pixelsword4321d ago

I don't think it's the same engine, it may not even have the same net code because MAG hardly lagged at all, but given that there's 2,000 people running around, it might be a little too taxing even for really good net code.


If the PS4 or NextBox can run a game like this flawlessly, then that's probably the console I will buy.

ginsunuva4321d ago

It feels a lot different than ps1, but still amazing in a different way.

ATi_Elite4321d ago (Edited 4321d ago )

1. Planetside 2 for me and many many other PC Gamers made Battlefield 3 irrelevant! SUre 128 player Armored Kill servers are fun but stepping up to 2000 players is GLORIOUS!

2. Can't believe this is a Play 4 Free game! Graphics on Very High are "almost" as good as BF3 PC on Ultra!

Infantry and Mechs look Super nice...vehicles are not as detailed as BF3 PC vehicles!

3. New Conglomerate 4 Life! TR and VS can suck it! (although fighting VS at Night is a Royal PAIN in the Arse)

The sheer magnitude of the game along with 2000 players battling it out for Map supremacy is awesome! You feel like your really apart of something MAJOR!

I suggest you get several friends together and JOIN A CLAN cause that's the best way to enjoy PS2! Sure it's fun just jumping in and getting some frags but PS2 is all about TEAMWORK!

It takes serious communication and SKILL to control a large percentage of the map! NO kill-streaks No Perks No unbalanced gameplay just Pure Strategy and teamwork!

PS2 controls and mechanics are very well done and flying is a lot easier than BF3! I do give the sound advantage to BF3 though although PS2 will improve over time!

Wonder why you cant blow up that N.C. Galaxy....cause I'm fixing it!

Wonder why your infantry and light vehicles are worthless.....cause i'm in a N.C. Mech suit causing havok on you TR and VS wussies!

PS2 is AWESOME and this is only the beginning as many updates and new content will be added for a long time....and for FREE!

(Sony is making a good chunk of change from people paying to level up quicker cause the PS1 veteran Clans are very good!)

FordGTGuy4321d ago

Sorry but Planetside 2 graphics on max are no where near Battlefield 3 on Ultra.

Zha1tan4321d ago

Sorry but BF3s gameplay is nowhere near as good as Planetside 2s and BF3 is nowhere near as good a technical achievement as PS2.

FordGTGuy4321d ago


What drugs are you on?

JonahFalcon4321d ago

@FortGTGuy: Do you have hundreds of players at once in BF3?

FordGTGuy4321d ago

What does having hundreds of players have to do with graphic fidelity? Bottom line Planetside 2's graphics(no matter the scale) don't touch BF3 on Ultra settings.

ATi_Elite4320d ago

I said ALMOST! and some parts of PS2 look ALMOST as good as BF3 PC on Ultra!

And remember I comparing MP modes NOT PS2 MP to BF3 SP (BF3 SP mode looks better than BF3 MP)! PS2 is ONLY MP and with 2000 players versus 200 max on BF3 Hackservers!

Yes BF3 PC on Ultra is the Graphical Benchmark but as of right now that's all BF3 PC is.....a Graphics Demo cause Planetside 2 is a far better game than BF3!

YES i still play BF3 occasionally but Planetside 2 brings back that Battlefield 2 feel but with 2000 players.

PS2 is a way better game than BF3! But BF3 is good for testing out your video card!

FordGTGuy4320d ago

Wow you guys are in some sort of denial here....

Zha1tan4319d ago

Notice I said Technical achievement encompassing the whole game.

Sorry but if you think BF3s graphics are mind blowing with 64 players you are blinded by the severe amounts of bloom.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4319d ago
Dojan1234321d ago

NC for life!

=VX9= is running 2 to 3 squads most nights. Great when two clans hook up and have 2 platoons storming Watch Tower with a masterful coordination.

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Planetside IP sold to shell company as it was considered “non-core IP”

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jznrpg217d ago

They sold the entire company. I did like when they ran Everquest as well. But numbers were declining unfortunately

-Foxtrot218d ago

Watch it turn out to be Amazon in disguise

Duke19217d ago

Was such a cool concept back in the day - shame that it never really took off like it probably could have with more support


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PlanetSide 2 Embarks on Expedition: Oshur in December

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