
IGN-The Walking Dead: The Game – Episode 5: No Time Left Review

IGN: hope you’re ready to hear about The Walking Dead: The Game for a long, long time. In the next few weeks, the title from developer Telltale Games will likely win many Game of the Year awards. Moving into 2013, people will reference the series over and over as the benchmark for story-telling in games. And historically, it will stand as the game that reinvented or at least repopularized adventure games.

smashman984325d ago

Buying right as soon as the store updates

Cirran4325d ago

Waiting an extra month as I'm in the UK.

LUCKYXS7LEVEN4323d ago (Edited 4323d ago )

All i can say is , That's how you close curtains on a Zombie Fking story. It was one hell of a trip and it made me cry in the end, it was really emotional

FrostyZipper4325d ago (Edited 4325d ago )

Telltale have done themselves and all fans of TWD a service with this game. Writing is top notch all around with actions making consequences feel very real and very brutal. Wish it was a better GAME (QTEs, though I suppose there wasn't much an Adventure game was going to do with regards to combat) but it still doesn't detract from the fact that it's an absolute must-play.

To quote one random member of the internet (whose name escapes me): 'The Walking Dead isn't a game. It's an experience, and a damned fine one at that.'

Thatguy-3104325d ago

That quote belongs to Journey my friend

FrostyZipper4325d ago

Does it?

Hm. Guess someone borrowed it and applied it to TWD then.

Regardless, it still fits imo.

Norrison4325d ago

Downloadable/small games sure had a great year.

Thatguy-3104325d ago

I agree. Think its quite amazing. Its actually time that small games like these get notice. Journey, The Walking Dead are what thrives the industry further.

TryMe4325d ago

It belongs to Walking Dead just as much..even if it originated there.

The walking dead is a masterpiece in the art of narrative and characters.

Bravo tell tale!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4325d ago
PersonaCat4325d ago

This, Persona 4, Allstars all in one day... This is definitely my greatest week of the month.

smashman984323d ago

Lol my greatest day of the year

birdykilla4325d ago

Purchased the season back in April 2012. Anything Walking Dead is pure gold imo. I'm sure activision will mess up their FPS Walking Dead so I'll have to wait and see with that one. TV show, comic, and game I love em!

TryMe4325d ago

Walking Dead takes the crown for narrative this gen. Can't wait for ep 5


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