
Video Game Awards 2012: Another year of disappointment.

Discussing why the 2012 SpikeTV Video Game Awards show is looking to be just another disappointment in a series of disappointments.

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claud34326d ago

Agree with this.. awards for creative thinking and creation of an epic game

Is all the awards needed

DragonKnight4325d ago

Agreed. I just think that the emphasis on celebrities, bands, and other assorted stupidity is unnecessary. Plus, cut down on pointless or redundant crap and put credible people on the advisory board. Having 2 Kotaku reps is ridiculous.

Omnislash4325d ago

The funny thing is that the VGA's contradict themselves.
Last year they nominated Skyward Sword even though the game wasnt out yet. This year they dont nominate Halo 4 even though its already out, and one of the better Xbox 360 games. Now they have 2 Wii U games nominated even though the Wii U JUST came out...

Not to mention that the random celebrities they invite dont have anything to do with gaming, yet they claim that "they are big gamers" like My chemical romance, I dont want to see them! The VGA's are a joke...

LOGICWINS4325d ago

I watch for the game reveals and the sometimes great performances. LL Cool J's "Mama said knock you out" performance for UFC 2010 was awesome.

I personally don't care about the awards, but N4G always explodes everytime GOTY is announced.

BitbyDeath4325d ago

I also don't understand how a game can win GOTY but yet not win in other areas such as best on x platform.

Shouldn't it not win both if it were to win GOTY?

DragonKnight4325d ago

This year, I don't understand the inclusion of Wii U games since the console literally JUST released. I also don't understand how Dawnguard can be nominated for anything but "Most mediocre DLC" or "Best proof of back room deals" awards.

ritsuka6664324d ago

American TV is all bullshit celebrities and advertising. What did you expect? lol

Nefario64325d ago

Stop bashing VGA's.
there just trying to satisfy some gamers points of view.

DragonKnight4325d ago

Who? Which gamers? The brain dead fratboy gamers? The corporate sponsor gamers who aren't actually gamers? Which gamers? Real gamers who watch this awards show vomit when they come on. The only thing most real gamers watch the VGA's for are any game reveals. That's all. No one gives a damn how many times Samuel L. Jackson can throw out another MF bomb. No one cares about the phony celebrities pretending to have been gamers their whole lives. No one cares about Geoff Keighley. The VGA's are a giant commercial and just signify the worst aspects of the gaming industry.

godofboobees4325d ago

I am ashamed to call myself a gamer every time this abomination of a show is around

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4325d ago

I'll watch for the new game announcements. As per usual. But I swear the first sign of some celebrity pretending to have been a gamer their whole lives and I'll be changing the channel. I'll just watch the trailers on youtube the next day.

FunAndGun4325d ago

lol, you probably won't be watching long then. :P

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shadowT2h ago

Get it on PS5 and PC, or wait for the Xbox Series version. Don't miss this great game!

Hofstaderman49m ago(Edited 48m ago)

Why I own a console. Dont care about the best framerates I just want to load up a newly released game and play. Ease of use.


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