
Crystal Kay kicks Final Fantasy VIII's "Eyes on Me" in the gut at Distant Worlds concert

RJP writes: Japanese pop singer Crystal Kay performed Final Fantasy VIII's "Eyes on me" last Friday at the Royal Albert Hall. And I was there.

Crystal did an amazing job of the song. "Eyes on me" is one of the most famous and well known Final Fantasy vocal pieces and one which fans hold in the highest regard. So for Crystal to shoulder this and knock the performance out of the park is not to be overlooked or taken lightly. Faye Wong has her fans and rightly so. But Crystal out did her for me in this performance. The second Crystal crooned the words "Whenever sang my songs..." I got chills in that hall. And when I listen to the performance now, I get the same.

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kingPoS4324d ago

I already knew CK was a great singer, now more people know of that too.

Great voice & good looks! whats not to like about her.

cleft54324d ago

Wow, just wow. Makes me want to play the game.

sashimi4324d ago

I am playing the game on my Ps Vita :)

Unlimax4324d ago (Edited 4324d ago )

That was pretty epic *nerdgasm* lol .

Unlimax4324d ago

Its Japanese obviously .. !

MidnytRain4324d ago

Japanese is her nationality. Her mother is supposedly Korean.

Unlimax4324d ago (Edited 4324d ago )

Will that's explain alot .. thanks for the info didn't knew that her mother is korean till you said that right now .. all i knew from Jpop is Angela Aki ,Perfume , Utada , Ayumi , Capsule , Buono! , AAA and other Jpop artists !

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Final Fantasy Creator Considers Square Enix & Nintendo His "Hometown"

"I am truly happy just to be able to send my child out into the world once again" - Hironobu Sakaguchi

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VenomUK13d ago

If Square Enix & Nintendo are his hometown what does that make Xbox?

13d ago
OtterX12d ago

The red light district, where games go to w**** themselves for Gamepass cash.

Asterphoenix13d ago

Well Nintendo and Squaresoft is where he started. I totally understand why he doesn't want to do FF now. If so I'm happy for either a remaster of Last Story or a new entry/spiritual successor. Loved the battle system of Last Story.

porkChop13d ago

I just really want a new Lost Odyssey, or even a proper remaster with some QoL updates. Though I'd also love to see him work with Square on a new IP.

Profchaos13d ago

That's about as good as a confirmation that we will see ports to the switch2

Knightofelemia13d ago

Wish my parents bought me a NES as a kid I would have played the first FF game. But I was lucky to have a SNES I played a bit of FF6 and just went to Chrono Trigger. When the FF collection releases I-VI Collection Anniversary drops I will take my time to play each Final Fantasy.

Deathdeliverer13d ago

I mean… this is kinda obvious. The original final fantasy and its early sequels were on…

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Playstation Icons: Squall Leonhart

Gary Green said: Tempting as it is to dedicate our first installment of PlayStation Icons to a franchise-leader like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, or even Sackboy, instead I’m choosing a character that I, like so many others, connected with on a personal level. He’s a moody, world-weary teen, a proud loner with no time for the drama of others, and yet he’s also a hero just waiting for the motivation to unleash his full potential. He’s a warrior. He’s a leader. He’s the king of internal monologues. It’s time to meet Squall Leonhart.

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