
Rockstar was told Red Dead Redemption would be a 'disaster'

Rockstar vice president Dan Houser has revealed that the company was warned Red Dead Redemption would be a "disaster" prior to the game going on sale in 2010.

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hiredhelp4338d ago

By no means a disaster utterally brilliant i for one want another.

Knight_Crawler4337d ago (Edited 4337d ago )

Well said dude! Red Dead Redemption was a breath of fresh air from all of these games that we were getting that were based in some city (mostly NY) or space.

I love western movies and I only baught Call of Jurez becuase it was the only western game avaible but then came RDR and blew me away.

I can see the potential that it still has and what R* can do with nex gen tech.

guitarded774337d ago

It was probably Pachter who told them is would be a failure... so they automatically knew it would be a success. I want more red dead too... it's my favorite R* game this gen.

JamieL4337d ago

Don't forget Gun, that was an awesome game as well. To me.

TopDudeMan4337d ago

See, I was never into the western scene, so when the game was announced I didn't see the appeal.

So I can see the standpoint of the people who told them that, but when the game came out, I bought it because my friends were playing it and loved it. It showed that rockstar can write an awesome story.

Outside_ofthe_Box4337d ago (Edited 4337d ago )

***"See, I was never into the western scene, so when the game was announced I didn't see the appeal."***

Same for me. I was never into the whole "old wild west" thing. The game has made me more open to the genre though. I bought the game because it was a Rocktstar game as Rockstar rarely succeeds at disappointing.

Pushagree4337d ago

I'm glad Rockstar took the chance with this one. John's story and the way it all ended was one of the most memorable moments in gaming this generation for me. The game showed that you can do something different and still be a success and the industry needs a lot more of that.

Freak of Nature4337d ago

@ Knight_Crawler...

Yup, I cannot wait to see what this team will do on next gen systems... This game is full of win!

One of my top 5 games this gen....Should be on most peoples top 10 list's...

I cannot wait to see what they have cooking with there next game....

knowyourstuff4337d ago

Not entirely accurate on the title, it was simply someone who worked for Rockstar who was saying it may end up being a disaster if they were to put a massive amount of money into a western, when westerns weren't 'Popular' at the time.

This only goes to prove what most people know - it doesn't matter what the genre is, or the setting, or other surface level things like time period etc. A popular game is, always has been, and always will be a game that is WELL DESIGNED. As long as it's fun, and has amazing design, it doesn't matter the time period, whether it's a western, or survival horror game, if it sucks beyond belief, it generally speaking won't sell. If it's amazing, it generally will sell. There are always exceptions to the rule on both sides, but generally speaking you need quality and fun first, everything else is second.

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blackmamba7074337d ago (Edited 4337d ago )

that disaster sold 13M copies, how wrong can you get

raWfodog4337d ago

I wonder if whoever told them that still has a job because they couldn't have been more wrong.

vortis4337d ago


they probably still have their job, handing out horrible advice, like "Mobile phones will kill console games", which is why big pubs keep making stupid comments about us core gamers giving up our beloved consoles/PCs to play on some shoddy tablet device.

I_LOVE_MYSELF4337d ago

I predicted a disaster. I am not in the slightest bit interested in the western setting. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't appeal to me. I got the game day one and never played it...

... until a few months ago. I realized I was proven wrong BIG TIME. I should never judge a book by its cover. This game captivated me like no other game this year. It turned an absolute non believer into a huge fan of the game. It even made me buy a Red Dead avatar for my PSN profile just to show my support for this game. That avatar is a symbol of how wrong I was and my love for the game.

Fantastic game... I WAS doubtful too... I was incredibly wrong.

Jobesy4337d ago

Kudos for manning up and admitting you were wrong. RDR is in my top 10 this gen, heck maybe top 5. The mp is highly underrated also, especially the co-op modes.

grailly4337d ago

you predicted a disaster because western settings don't appeal to you? then you still bought it? lol

you're right about the game being brilliant BTW

JoGam4337d ago

When I heard RDR had posse's I had to get it.

Oh_Yeah4337d ago (Edited 4337d ago )

Im sure RDR was a system seller too..for the people who only had a pc.

PhantomT14124337d ago

If I recall the exact quote, the Housers were told that making a western-themed game would be a disaster.

wastedcells4337d ago (Edited 4337d ago )

It may have looked like a failure on paper because wester themed game are a tuff sell but rockstar knows how to make games engaging, immersive and fun so the results were amazing. They prove that good games sell.. Period. Other developers should be taking notes.

vortis4337d ago

This right here.

Instead of taking note about making "good quality games" pubs will see this as "Uh, Red Dead made a lot of money?! let's throw $20 million at a generic clone and it'll make money too!!!"

For now they've yet to clone Rockstar games this gen like they did during the PS2 era (although the GTA clones in the PS2 era were hardcore, cool and some of them were almost better than GTA) but this gen pubs are chasing COD's money trail. They'll probably chase GTA's money trail for next-gen.

RumbleFish4337d ago

If they only would bring it to pc, this brilliant game. I still find it sad that there is no pc version.

MostJadedGamer4337d ago

I still cannt see what people saw in this game. RDR is the most overrated game this generation. Gun was much better then RDR.

RDR had some of the most tedious, and boring tasks ever in videogames. Way too much boring crap like herding cows, and shooting crows.

gta28004337d ago

You only heard cows when they're introducing you to the game and they're warming you up. What are you on a bout? After you leave MacFarlene ranch this game gets epic!

gta28004337d ago (Edited 4337d ago )

This game was a disaster.....After I beat the game and it had to came to an end lol. One of my favorite games of all time!

MEsoJD4337d ago

Where's my pc version Rock*?

showtimefolks4337d ago

its like when Patcher said GTA 3 would sell 300K and that borderlands would fail yeah patcher has been wrong a lot lol

i hope we get some more games in old west time frame RDR is otop 3 game in my list behind MGS4,GTA4and RDR followed by Uncharted 2

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4337d ago
Nodoze4337d ago

F GTAV I want another Red Dead adventure. It was beyond good, and I am sure with some minor refinements it could be utterly brilliant.

SouthClaw4337d ago

RdR was mainly made by Rockstar San Diego with additional help from Rockstar North. So it is likely Rockstar San Diego is working on the next game.

Blackdeath_6634337d ago

red dead redemption took a long time to make if they are making another one they may have already planned it out knowing what rockstar are like its gonna be BIG.

mcstorm4337d ago

I think this was a good move by R*. I did not like the game my self but I don't like GTA game neither.
I think it was a good move by them as it was a GTA type game but in a Weston world and they did a good job in making the game to appeal to the masses of GTA fans out there as well as Weston lovers.

I think they will do a 2nd RDR too and I think it will sell even better than the 1st.

RivetCityGhoul4337d ago

you know whats funny RDR has more relevance to a PS2 era GTA game than the GTA games coming out now do. i loved RDR the humor, dark comedy, the characters etc. it all reminded why the PS2 era GTA's were so great. GTA V looks like its falling in the same line with GTA IV.

DaddyPoppa4337d ago

By any chance did you play gtaIV or do you remember any of the past gtas correctly? by your logic RDR is more like gtaIV than any of the rest if your judging the game by the characters and the "dark comedy". if anything RDR was the most serious sandbox game rockstar made BY far, No gta from the past generation or even gtaIV took itself as serious as RDR

vortis4337d ago

You couldn't even bang chicks in RDR with John like you could with Luis in GTA IV, so I don't know what RivetCityGhoul is talking about.

SP3333D-O4337d ago

One of all-time favorites. Will preorder the next RD as soon as it's available.

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Rockstar Needs To Take A Break From The Series After GTA 6

In a time when Rockstar has forgotten everything else except GTA and RDR, it's about time the developer got back to some of its gems.

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RaidenBlack6d ago

Wonder what happened to the leaked medieval game that they were working on ... hope that's still on going and gets released sometime after GTA VI

gold_drake6d ago

eh wat?

its been on "break" for 11 years now ha 5 came out literally 11 years ago

isarai6d ago

Seeing as how it's been like 12yrs between releases, i don't think taking even more time is a good decision for the series

TheNamelessOne6d ago

So GTA 7 in around 2045 or 2050 lol

Mr_cheese4d ago

So make one GTA every human generation instead of every other console generation?

Come on...

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Rockstar Games Leaks GTA 6 PC Folders And Red Dead Redemption PC Port

Rockstar Games have leaked GTA 6 PC folders as well as Red Dead Redemption PC port folders in an update for GTA 5.

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Bhuahahaha6d ago

sernando had it 7yrs ago 😁😂
he must be playing gta 7 by now 😂🤣


Rockstar Games: It's Time to Reignite Forgotten Franchises

While Rockstar Games are profiting from their online venture, should they reconsider its approach and return to its other beloved franchises?

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DarXyde36d ago

Rockstar is the last company that should be risk averse.

The capital they can put into a game is enormous, but it doesn't have to be a massive scale title either.

36d ago
Profchaos36d ago

It's a shame but money walks.

I'm a mega fan of everything rockstar right up until GTA online took over I can't get into it I've tried so many times it just doesn't interest me but I have probably picked up everything they have been involved with from GTA on the PS1 through to rdr 2 and everything in between like the surfing game surfing h30, ping pong, omni the list goes on.

I've been personally hoping for a modern release of GTA IV for ps5 to finally give me a modern way to play GTA on a modern console at 60

Iceball200036d ago

Need a new Midnight Club, Smugglers Run, and Bully

SonyStyled36d ago

First played it on the PS2 and man… you’ve been missing out. It’s been available on modern PS and Xbox consoles for a couple years. This might actually be the best time of year to start playing it with the ‘back to school’ and holiday themes throughout the game. I last played it on PS4 and it’s still one of my favorites from the 6th gen. Highly recommend finding time for it

S2Killinit36d ago

Thank you. I wonder though if they might be remaking it. If they are, I would like to play the modern/remake for the first time.

aaronaton36d ago

I think they need to diversify and bring back some old IPs for sure, just for staff retention. Some staff will have been making GTA games for the last decade, it must all be so tiring.
A small separate team with a £20m budget on Bully 2 or Midnight Club would be good to see.

-Foxtrot36d ago

I don’t understand why they need massive budgets on some of their titles

Like a Bully remake would be nothing in comparison, the map size is so small compared to their later titles that even if they expand it still would pale in comparison. The things they could add.

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