
Metal Gear Solid 4: Birthday Edition Announced - Details, Packshot

Konami announced a birthday edition of Metal Gear Solid 4. The edition hits the stores in december. The birthday version contains a poster and some more gimmicks.

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Donnieboi4242d ago

I wish it re-instated the MGO servers :(

toxic-inferno4242d ago

I didn't play much of MGO myself (I'm not too keen on playing online), but what little of it I did play was a lot of fun.

Seems like a big shame that they'd bring out a birthday edition of a game which actually only contains one half of the original game.

Fishy Fingers4242d ago

MGS4 one of my favourite games this gen. MGO, one of my worst. Awful.

Knight_Crawler4242d ago

Thank Konami for there crappy ID login.

crxss4242d ago

hm... nothing really new about this edition. was thinking this could have been a "substance" version of MGS4 but it doesn't look like it... in fact it's been so long since MGS4 released i doubt they will even do a "substance" version. can't wait for Ground Zeroes!

I_LOVE_MYSELF4242d ago (Edited 4242d ago )

I have my copy of MGS4. I played through it once. It is the only Metal Gear game I have not ran through multiple times. To be fair it just isn't that great. I don't even think a full Substance version would gain my interest. MGO on the other hand was fun as heck. Shame about the crappy konami id.

I see no need to re-buy. Ground Zeroes will blow MGS4 out of the water.

eferreira4242d ago

I'm getting this for collection purpose only.

Master of Unlocking4242d ago

@ KnightCrawler

It wasn't only the Konami ID though. There was also the Game ID to make things just that complicated enough so the Japanese would like it. Everything was clumsy and difficult to make out, all the icons were difficult to read, but more than anything, the controls were just extremely clunky. For instance, you couldn't use the "get behind cover, stick out, shoot your enemy and get back into cover" because it was all way too slow. That may have worked on the campaign mode (if even that) but it just never worked in an online game where your foes are human-controlled and much more aware and fast. You'd end up being killed by another player who just ran to you as soon as he spotted you before your character was even back behind his crate or w/e after leaning left or right. There were also other issues but I'll end here.

Still, it's obnoxious from Konami to just have shut down the servers after only 4 years, and especially after people have sometimes paid good money for a dlc that they can't use at all anymore. Way to thank all the people who actually endured the oh so tedious task of purchasing dlc for that game. The servers have also been shut down for a game that came out around the same time, Motorstorm PR, but in Motorstorm I can still use all the dlc that I've purchased for that game, albeit in single player modes only now.
Was it really that hard to keep MGO and all its meagre content and just replace the human players with bots a la killzone 2? Was it? Really?

At the very least, considering that new MGS4 GOP BE game only comes with about 3/4 of its content (let's be real, not 1/2, MGO didn't consist in a lot of content or features to begin with), they should have offered something else with it, like the Making of Blu-Ray that I have that came with the CE, and/or a code to download the PS1 MGS game, or better yet, MGS1 directly burned onto the freaking BR Disk.

Still a good game though, provided you like cinema as much as video games.


Memorable Metal Gear Moments – Access Denied (Metal Gear Solid 4)

A look back at one of Metal Gear Solid 4's memorable moments, when Snake has entered a desolate and run-down Shadow Moses and faces his own decline.

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Phoenix Down 40.3 – Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Phoenix Down is hosted by Drew Leachman and Matt Quinn. Each segment focuses on an older game the duo decides upon with another member of the ZTGD crew or special guest. They play through and discuss the mechanics and how well it holds up today. It is the ultimate in backlog elimination.

The year of the Gear continues.

Drew Leachman
Matt Quinn

DarkOcelet3248d ago

Just replayed the game two days ago. It's still such an amazing experience and the graphics really holds up well against even current gen games.

Honestly in terms of story, I dunno how the hell Kojima will surpass this one with MGSV but I expect to be blown away.

Also anyone who has a PS3 and didn't play this game... Shame on you!

This beauty is worth getting a PS3.

DMLFury3248d ago

Kojima will find a way. We get into it closer to the end of the show, but I have some theories for MGSV.


Phoenix Down 40.2 - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Phoenix Down is hosted by Drew Leachman and Matt Quinn. Each segment focuses on an older game the duo decides upon with another member of the ZTGD crew or special guest. They play through and discuss the mechanics and how well it holds up today. It is the ultimate in backlog elimination.

The year of the Gear continues.

Drew Leachman
Matt Quinn