
GUILTY GEAR XX ΛCORE PLUS Review [Capsule Computers]

Author Joshua Moris of Capsule Computers writes:

"The entire anime theme intrigued my senses as I felt involved in a wonderful mix of Naruto, One Piece, and BlazBlue character types. With the “Heaven VS. Hell” message at the start of each match, characters truly emanate their good/evil auras. One character in particular named Eddie really shines as an evil manifestation. Just by looking at his character you can see an evil presence surrounding him like a blanketing shadow."

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masterabbott4238d ago

not a bad game, downloading it now as we speak.

Whitefox7894238d ago

The reviewer speaks as if this was a newly developed game instead of a port and doesn't mention that these were the guys that made Blazblue.

Last bit as far as I know there is still no U.S. release for this game on PSN it was released in JPN on the PSN on Nov. 1.


5 Best Fighting Games of All Time

Illiya from Awesome Games writes: 'Fighting games are my addiction – my Achilles heel. And I cannot resist them.

From Street Fighter to Tekken, all the way to Guilty Gear, it simply does not matter: if it involves two characters (or more) kicking the stuffing out of each other, it’s bound to grab my attention.'

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JudgmentJay3503d ago

Had some great times back in the day with Squaresoft's The Bouncer


PlayStation Plus Users In Japan Get Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus As Free Play Games

"Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia has been expanding their PlayStation Plus offerings for Japan. The PlayStation 4 lineup is still similar to the West, Dust: An Elysian Tail and Pix the Cat are scheduled for November 5.

The PlayStation 3 games have more of a local flavor. This month, Earth Defense Force 2025 for D3 Publisher, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus, and The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky The 3rd will be free for PlayStation Plus members in Japan. Members also get orbs for Destiny of Spirits and can try out Fate/hollow ataraxia."

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Palitera3511d ago

On the PS+ subject, is there any confirmation of the PS4 titles for Nov?

The Sony tweet didn't mention Steamworld Dig.


Guilty Gear’s Sol Badguy Isn’t Such A Bad Guy In Chaos Heroes Online

Joining a number of other guest-stars in the Sega-operated MOBA game is Guilty Gear’s Sol Badguy.

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