
Censors Are Ruining Everything, Doom Targeted Heavily

PushStartSelect.com : "I walked into a local comic book store the other week to find a toy had been censored. The toy was the General Lee from Dukes of Hazard, and the censor was a piece of paper taped across the top of the car. What it was blocking was the Confederate flag, a portion of the car that made it iconic wasn’t allowed to be seen for some odd reason. A toy….This wasn’t the worse thing either. I know censors often ruin everything on basic cable, but they are now moving to video games and saying we are not allowed to play them anymore?"

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Cajun Chicken4338d ago

Now this is an interesting one. I'm no expert but I don't think that the level was censored, but more like; edited.

Since the purchase of Id by Bethesda, I think that Bethesda bought every IP of Id's but Wolfenstein.
Sure, Wolf 3D was in Rage...or WAS it? Personally, I only saw a low textured blue and grey wall...hmm. Plus Activision published Wolfenstein developed by Raven more or less around the time of the Id buyout and when you add the fact that Wolfenstein wasn't Id's IP in the first place it makes you wonder if they really have the right to make further 'Wolf' games since being bought by Bethesda.

Soldierone4338d ago (Edited 4338d ago )

I wonder if that is the case. Because reading comments on it, it was because people were offended by the Swastika's and Hitler references. So they took it out.

I was searching for days trying to find out why it was edited, and this is what I kept coming across. And after watching people want the Looney Tunes edited and toys needed black strips over a simple flag, it made sense to me.

RAGE wasn't the only game to feature it either. Doom 2 released on Xbox Live in 2010, Bethseda purchased ID in 2009. People have always hated Wallenstein for the German/Nazi references.

And if it is the case of simply not owning the rights, why didn't Bethseda take the time to get rights or perhaps put in effort to replace things? Playing the level sucked, it was literally empty.

geth1gh4338d ago

Yea I don't think this author has a clue about what he is talking about. There is already a wolfeinstein game on the 360 with all it's nazi glory.

So why the hell would they "censor" a 8 bit version....

GTRrocker6664338d ago

No..........Manhunt 2 was censored.

Bonerboy4338d ago

Bert and Ernie couldn't even live together anymore because of fucking morons of parent groups, church groups etc claimed B & E were "GAY" for doing so, as well as living in sin and would tarnish the delicate minds of our precious fucking youth, and heavens forbid, maybe the kids might think being gay was OK, or even worse ... make their kids gay from simply watching it, where, upon their deaths, they would burn in eternal hellfire. Cant have that happen, Oh No No No. This innocent children's show must be stopped and condemned in the lords name of all that is righteous and saintly. Pathetic.
Poor poor Bert and Ernie, torn apart for evermore by self-righteous morons. Welcome to the 21st century, and the continuation of the devolution of humanity. And people wonder why I am a misanthropist...? ...because they just make it too easy.

aliengmr4337d ago

Burt and Ernie are still shown living together. Sesame Street tends to reuse much of the stuff they filmed throughout the years.

Sure some groups got upset but they aren't the folks donating to PBS in the first place.

aliengmr4338d ago

"What it was blocking was the Confederate flag, a portion of the car that made it iconic wasn’t allowed to be seen for some odd reason."

For some odd reason? Really?

Also, I really don't think that level was censored.


DOOM Games Ranked - What is the best DOOM game?

BLG writes, "Plug in your electric guitars and start shredding; we’re making a list of the DOOM games ranked.

Trying to decide the best DOOM game is like deciding who your favorite child is. You love every one of them, imperfections and all."

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bloop773d ago

I don't understand the hate Doom 3 got, but the original has to be tops for me too.


John Romero, DOOM II Co-Creator, Release New Level For Ukraine

For the first time since 1994, John Romero has given DOOM II fans a new level. The level is a product to provide support to Ukraine. 100% of the proceeds from the level will go to Red Cross and the UN Central Emergency Response Fund.

mastershredder932d ago

Actions that are actually doing something to help. That's really cool. Refreshing to see this after the armies of companies do their grandstanding me-too do-nothing support message online for all to see.

DefenderOfDoom2932d ago

Looking forward to JOHN ROMERO'S new DOOM 2 episode.


John Romero Creates New Doom II Level to Support the People of Ukraine

Acclaimed creator John Romero took to Twitter today to announce that he has created a new level for Doom II, and it’s a special one.