
Extreme Road Trip 2 Review (Modojo)

John Bedford (Modojo): The gameplay concept of Extreme Road Trip 2 couldn't be simpler. You are in a car. Your foot is inexplicably wedged down on the accelerator. There's an endless sprawl of valleys and hills standing between you and the end of each attempt which is marked by a show-stopping explosion should you land without your wheels making at least some sort of contact with the ground.


Mobile Spotlight 12/03/12: An Introduction, Extreme Road Trip 2, and Daily Crossword

Argus9: "Here at Gamers XTREME, we love bringing our readers the most informative and entertaining game reviews possible. However, as we’ve been thinking on recently, mobile gaming is an entirely different beast. The iOS App Store and Google Play Marketplace are extremely vast, and contain so many titles from an unimaginable amount of developers, it can be hard to separate the very best games from the chaff" ... "To that end, we’re proud to announce the launch of a new regular column on the Gamers XTREME web site, the Mobile Spotlight."

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Hill Climb Racing: The Best Of The Rest

John Bedford (Modojo): Hill Climb Racing continues to eat up a frightening amount of our free time, and judging by the App Store charts we're not alone. If you've still got an itch for more physics platform racing fun, we've compiled a list of the five best alternatives that you need to play. Read on to discover your next racing addiction.


Extreme Road Trip 2 Hit No.1 US Chart Spot In 60 Hours

John Bedford (Modojo): In an interview with Modojo, Extreme Road Trip 2 developer Guillaume Germain of Roofdog Games has revealed that the game raced to the top of the US free game charts within just 60 hours of its release. Not bad considering the first edition of the franchise took a little longer to hit the top spot at three weeks.

The developer also discussed how Roofdog Games went about developing the sequel to the enormously popular first game, as well as monetizing this particular title.