
Doom BFG Review Daily Joystick

Larry from Daily Joystick Podcasts writes "Almost without exception there are depictions of Hell in some form or another found in every religion and every culture on Earth. Some say it doesn’t exist that it’s a metaphor, a figment of the imagination, a fictional place. A tool of the powerful religious elite used to control the faithful. Many more believe that Hell does indeed exist and that those who would do wrong by an all powerful God will one day find themselves there. Regardless of where you come down on the issue we can agree on one thing. People throughout history have had a fascination with Hell."

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The importance of audio: How music makes games better

How do composers make the iconic music tracks from games that we love? And just what makes them so memorable?

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purple10145d ago (Edited 45d ago )

Twitter is blowing up right now

All games coming to PlayStation
Next Xbox will have steam
Next Xbox niche and only for “gamers who want it” (it’s a really powerful pc or a steam deck type portable, or both)

44d ago

Milestone Games in the History of the First-Person Shooter (FPS) Genre

Have you ever looked at a modern first-person shooter and wondered "How did we get here?" Wealth of Geeks performs a deep dive into the genre, including some of the most influential games, from the very first FPS from the cross-genre experiences that changed the game entirely.

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shinoff2183122d ago

I've looked and wished we never did get here.


The Most Iconic Game Weapons Ever

BLG writes, "There are many fantastic and iconic weapons in game history, but some are significantly more memorable than others. When we think of iconic game weapons, these are the top 20 that come to mind."

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phoenixwing130d ago

You forgot one and it's a doozy. The weapon is kindness in undertale. :) defeats countless enemies.