
Review: Realms of Ancient War (darkzero)

"Realms of Ancient War is an action/role-playing game with a strong affinity for hack ’n’ slash, developed by Wizarbox. At the beginning of the story, you must choose whether you are going to spend the game hurling fireballs and deadly spells at numerous foes as a Wizard, slowly ploughing your way through armies of enemies as a powerful Warrior, or utilise your endless skills of survival striking from the shadows as a Rogue. You are then presented with a quick run-through of recent events of the last few decades or so, and then are thrown head-first right into the action, slowly turning your character into an unstoppable whirlwind of fury, complete with a power pretty unique to Realms of Ancient War that allows you to take control of your enemy's strongest units and turn them on their own." (darkzero)

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Japanese Publisher Bets Big On Publishing Western Indie Games On PlayStation 3

While indie developers can self-publish in North America and Europe, Japan is a different market. Digital distribution still requires a publisher that’s a Japan-based company.

Zoo Entertainment is stepping into the ring and licensing Western developed indie games for Japan. Zoo actually started out with solutions for medical records got into the video game business in the late 2000s distributing PC games for Japan like Left for Dead 2.

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Focus your Home on the new Humble Bundle

Focus Home Interactive, who Game-Modo recently described as a dark horse in publishing, have just got involved in a new Humble Bundle. They’re offering eight quality games for you to buy in a bundle while letting you do your bit for charity.

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MadLad3901d ago

I grabbed it. I was interested enough already to try out the Game of Thrones . . .game (though I hear it is less than great).
Already owned Divinity 2, though that game is fantastic in itself.
Cities, Game of Thrones and Testament of Sherlock Holmes was worth the $25 I spent either way. Some of the other games seem interesting enough and I will probably get to them in time.

Dasteru3901d ago (Edited 3901d ago )

I bought it just for div 2, great game. The rest will just be icing if they turn out to be good, haven't got around to playing any yet as i'm in the middle of another play through of Oblivion lol.


R.A.W. Review [Capsule Computers]

Author Joshua Moris at Capsule Computers writes:

"Realms of Ancient War undoubtedly delivers a hack-n-slash experience that players are able to play through at a fast pace. With quick switching skill sets, the title is a bit more flexible when considering ability combinations and combat readiness. Furthermore, R.A.W. is available at a relatively low cost that can be considered a steal for many action RPGs."

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masterabbott4086d ago

looks like a game that has its faults but still pretty decent. ill wait to see if it drop down in price to like 400ms before i'll consider it.

JoMO4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

Up until April 14th it's 480 MS!

InMyOpinion4086d ago

Ha! Was about to write the same thing :)

You can also pick up Mark of the Ninja and Dungeon Defenders at very cheap prices. Both great picks that won't leave you disappointed.

Ryder494086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

This looks like a really fun title. Of course after some improvements it looks like it could be great, but until then I'll hold off.

A better implemented co-op might have helped.