
Why Assassin's Creed II Is One Of The Greatest Games Ever Made

Gamesradar- Some game sequels are content to polish and improve the established core concepts of their predecessors. Some, however, go the extra mile and straight up embarrass the games that came before them. Such was the case of Assassin's Creed II, which took the erratic pacing and repetition of the original and stabbed them both in the throat. Hard.

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Relientk774258d ago (Edited 4258d ago )

Assassin's Creed II is frickin awesome, it was 10 x better than the original in every way, the gameplay, weapons, environments & cities, storyline, and of course Ezio Auditore da Firenze, just a complete package. Amazing game

TopDudeMan4258d ago

Yeah, I hated AC1 and was pleasantly surprised with the second. Really was a breath of fresh air.

guitarded774258d ago

I agree with both of you. AC2 was my first platinum trophy... I couldn't quit playing it. AC1 was the model, and the devs built an excellent game off that model.

SAE4258d ago (Edited 4258d ago )

You shouldn't because what made assassin creed 2 possible is the first game :) , it was great when it released because of the idea of the game , it had potential so what they needed is to improve every aspect and that shaped to be AC2 :P ..

i for one loved it and knew it will be a great game , i just hope they give it a break after assassin creed 3 and make a next generation assassin game or a new ip , try to focus and improve the gameplay more to make it more interesting and challenging , it have the potential to be one , they even can make it more open with big features if they make the gameplay right...

but i think they will go to graphics and story aspects because the tech is more easier and people love it , it's a good thing but i prefer the gameplay..

Marcello4258d ago

Everything about this game is excellent, i really wouldn't know where to fault it. Every little detail is mind blowing, i just so love the little conversations he has with his targets before they die.

This game is a Masterpiece !!

krazykombatant4258d ago

See I found the first game much more challenging in terms of combat, i would have prefered if they went a little deeper into the medival times bit, but mehh. I lost interest with Ass creed. It got too easy and Ubi has done nothing to try and address this issue.

Additionally, you would think that for ONCE, just once, they move away from the stupid cliffhanger endings.

ginsunuva4258d ago

10x better than the original doesn't make it great.

Mutant-Spud4258d ago

I found it every bit as annoying as the first one, I've played three of the four and always by about the fifteen hour mark I've had enough, the stories are completely uninteresting. There's something wrong with "historical" games that attempt to play it straight, it's really hard to suspend disbelief when you know damn well that most of these people really existed and have a pretty good idea of what those societies were really like. Something like The Three Musketeers. Robin Hood or Zorro can succeed because it's over the top melodrama, those characters "could" have existed whereas Leonardo Da Vinci and Caterina Sforza actually did exist.

HeavenlySnipes4258d ago (Edited 4258d ago )

Just like the first, i found the game redundant and very easy. Not as repetitive as the first, but still very repetitive.

For a 10-15 hour game, Ubisoft had not made either of them have proper difficulty scaling, with the combat difficulty being the exact same all throughout the game. Just counter kill everyone, or press attack at 1 sec intervals and do an insta kill

This redundancy really stemmed from the fact that neither game had any true form of stealth. It was not possible to complete assassination missions undetected because for some strange reason, the Assassin's in this game rather start miniature wars in cities rather than silently take out their targets. This made almost every story mission a "kill archers on rooftops, then stab the target and flee or fight he guards that will chase you afterwards". I guarantee the game would have been much more fun if they had catered to both stealth oriented players and players who would rather jump in and kill everything.

We shall see how A. Creed 3 shapes up, but the first 2 were 8/10's for me

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Cam9774258d ago

I honestly fully support this opinion. At the time I was absolutely astonished by AC2! I recently achieved the Platinum trophy while waiting for 3.

tdogchristy904258d ago

I 100% 1 and 2 in prep for 3 as well. I just hate that they added multiplayer achievements. Something about multi acheivs bugs me and probably won't be able to finish them.

vortis4258d ago

Completely agreed.

I like Altair better than Ezio but AC2 just owned up in every single way imaginable. It was brimming to the rim with content. THAT game was worth $60.

kma2k4258d ago

I agree II is the best in the series so far. I will say though Revalations is the low part of the series imo.

SpiralTear4258d ago

As far as the best in the series, I'd say Brotherhood (for a unified city to explore and surprisingly good multiplayer), but Brotherhood wouldn't have happened without Assassin's Creed II, so I will give II its well-deserved dues.

Relientk774258d ago

AC2 is amazing and Brotherhood is also fantastic

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thorstein302d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


Don't let the Assassin's Creed Free Weekend Sneak up on You

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dumahim317d ago

Thanks for the warning. I sure would have hated to have been surprised by installing a ubisoft game on accident.

Profchaos316d ago

Because you can't play all the games on every subscription already

KillBill316d ago

Valhalla is not on GamePass.

anast316d ago (Edited 316d ago )

I like Valhalla. The others haven't aged well.


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Chriswheeler22501d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87500d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight