
Brawsome is working on Hero-U

Pixels for Breakfast writes: Award winning Melbourne indies Brawsome have just announced that they are working on Hero-U, the “spiritual successor” to Quest for Glory.

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Hero U: Rogue to Redemption – A New Adventure in a Nostalgic Genre - Player 2

Player 2 sits down with Hero U, a homage to the classic Sierra adventures of old. Is it worth the trip down memory lane?

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Hero-U Sheds Light on Improved Visuals And Upcoming Access

Joanna Mueller writes: "The developers hope to set up a database for testers before assigning each volunteer a particular area to focus on. This ensures thorough testing of all areas and events. While the testing is important, the developers warned backers that it wouldn't be particularly glamorous."

garyanderson2737d ago

People are definitely losing their patience with this one, and I can't blame them.

ZodiacEclipse2737d ago

I'm amazed that this is still a thing.


How Adventure Games Fare Post-Kickstarter

Adventure games may have received a bit of a resurgence thanks to Kickstarter, but just how well do they do after launching the final product?

garyanderson2975d ago

Adventure games died for a reason. They're niche.