
Assassin's Creed AI Better on 360?

We've suspected Assassin's Creed was coming to Xbox 360 ever since its E3 unveiling, but only recently did Ubisoft disclose the poorly-kept secret to the world. What's even strange is that the Xbox 360 version will actually sport better crowd artificial intelligence, according to a report on IGN.

"While the PlayStation 3 and 360 versions of Assassin's Creed are virtually identical, Raymond did say that on the 360 the team is putting a special emphasis on achievements. The hardware also allows for improved threading, which will improve even further the crowd AI," the impressions read.

zypher6509d ago


thats from the sources mouth. i'm no technical whiz, but there have been too many developers commenting on how the PS3's CPU (Cell) is superior to 360's CPU...while the 360 has a slightly better GPU. seeing how AI in a game would probably be handled by the CPU, this little nugget of an off-hand comment from Raymond is kinda hard to swallow.

sparco6509d ago

Sure, the Cell processor may be superior, but it was put in the ps3 to make it more like a computer, whereas the 360's was put in there for games. And games is the reason we buy these consoles.

Please dont get the idea that im a fanboy, i am not on any side. Just givin my oppinion.

calderra6508d ago

Does no one here actually READ the article described before posting? "The request contains an illegal URL." <-Link no workie.

Before you post, claiming that you know what you're talking about, get educated:

-PS3's Cell is technically superior... when it comes to "straight" mathematical computations. There have always been questions about how it will work for games. (see also: debates on Intel versus AMD processors- same thing)

-Yes, this can be overcome with some programming tricks. But considering Cell's 8 SPEs, one of which uses slightly different programming... that's a big, complicated job.

-The 360 has 6 completely symmetrical cores, and is set up with a lot of additional assets to make pushing assets around much easier (see: large amounts of "general"/shared memory, unified shader architecture, etc). PS3 basically has none of these bits in hardware to help programmers, short of some basic software help that's been rumored to be included in the SDK.

-Not only can you dedicate one core to a specific task, but each core can run two "threads" of processing at once- meaning you can dedicate only half a core when necessary. And again- with symmetrical cores and lots of smart hardware to move tasks around, it's easy to respond when one thread is getting clogged and another one needs to be used for pressing tasks.

TheMART6509d ago

Well the PS3 GPU is just too freaking expensive to get to work properly. That's why they probably don't even try. 5 x the costs to get it done compared to the nice programming 360 environment.

But nice to see they are able to see graphic wise they are equal, but the AI will be better on 360. That will make the better version then

power of Green 6509d ago (Edited 6509d ago )

http://www.1up.com/do/newsS... sorry about the BS my Pc's sick. It's flashing and acting strange NNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!.

USMChardcharger6509d ago

No surprise really. when you can use one whole core for just A.I. like in CoD2. A.I. on that game at hard is unreal.

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AC Remakes Can Save Ubisoft Like RE Remakes Saved Capcom

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "If Ubisoft plays its cards right, the Assassin's Creed remakes could achieve what Resident Evil 2 Remake did for Capcom."

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RaidenBlack20d ago

AC1 Reimagining and AC2 Remakes first ... then Black Flag and others.

just_looken19d ago

It was talked about awhile back that the Singapore branch the ones that made skull bones are making a black flag remake. It has at that time 3 months of work put into it.


Terry_B20d ago

You believe something good would come from Ubisoft? Did you sleep the last 10-15 years?

just_looken19d ago

Right ubisoft has been on life support for awhile everyone of there ip's has had huge shift's in population/sales and fan base.

Right now its all about xdefient but that game is still fixing netcode issues 3 years in.

-Foxtrot20d ago

The only time they should be remaking the first game is when they are ready to reboot the series after a long break and want to get back to their roots. Start a new re-freshed timeline which they've convoluted.

just_looken19d ago

Though capcom has had sales for there re games lets not all forget the huge elephant in the room which is mod support.

The first resident evil remake was made by fans taken down by capcom then they stamped there logo on it after that mods came in made the replay factor way better than the original.

But when they made them all in house then came the cuts for the modern audience followed by re4 mt's then they went after the modders even in really old titles trying there best to crush mod support. Then you got the horrible drm crap pc port of village and that dumpster fire online re game.

So capcom has made money on remakes but after awhile there shine is not so bright

I hope ubisoft does not copy capcom as they would turn that dial from a 8 to a 11 add in there own mt's to older titles with time savers live service bs or worse black flag with stamina meter's.

MeteorPanda19d ago

don't you dare touch the first ac game. Your woke team would ruin it's charm

AndrewM19d ago

Woke has nothing to do with anything you fucking weirdo.

MeteorPanda18d ago

They wouldn't understand how to remake the first ac games, they'd ruin them with real life politics. Happy?

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CEO Yves Guillemot on Ubisoft’s Upcoming Portfolio, the Future of Assassin’s Creed

Guillemot discusses his vision for Ubisoft’s upcoming slate, the future of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, the good and bad of the games industry, and more.

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RaidenBlack29d ago

Multiple AC Remakes are on their way

fan_of_gaming28d ago

I'd like an Altair Collection, with Altaïr's Chronicles + Assassin's Creed + Bloodlines. I also wish Discovery would have been included in the Ezio Collection or offered as DLC for it.

Psychonaut8528d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Can’t imagine someone whose opinion I care to hear less. Unless it’s a “AAAA” interview, then that changes everything. /s

Demetrius28d ago

Damn I know we gone be waiting a while for those remakes, 😫 the classic ac games deserve, it would be dope if more devs did this, get the remembered gems closer to a technical level they pictured back then


PureArts & Ubisoft Announce Assassin’s Creed Hunt for the Nine 1/6 Scale Diorama

This should make fans and collectors very happy. PureArts & Ubisoft Announce Assassin’s Creed Hunt for the Nine 1/6 Scale Diorama Assassin's Creed Hunt for the Nine 1/6 Scale Diorama available for pre-order on January 25.