
Derrick the Deathfin Review | GameSpot

GameSpot: "Derrick the Deathfin's stylish adventure through the ocean is packed full of charm, if not a lot of content."

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Derrick the Deathfin Review | GameGrin

Derrick the Deathfin is a deceiving game; it has a bright, papercraft art style and a title that wouldn’t go amiss on Cbeebies, giving off the impression that it's a game for kids. In reality, this unique arcade-action title is a fun and challenging experience, albeit one that occasionally frustrates.

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Derrick the Deathfin Steam Review | RGN

Jon of RGN writes, "Eat or die – don’t let the fun and ease of use that this game provides off the bat fool you. Derrick the Deathfin has difficulty as well. And in most levels, you’ll have to choose wisely between split second decisions that can cause you to take a L or walk away with the win. For example, if Derrick doesn’t eat, he dies. But if he takes too long to clear a level, he also dies. Depending on the scene you’re playing and what’s in your way, you don’t always have time to eat everything in sight AND make it to the end of a level in time. Not only that, but often times food blurs the line between useful or obstacle. Plotting out your path and making Derrick jump at the right times and dive at the right times all while quickly deciding which food to eat, which to ignore, and what to do about obstacles that you are only a few milliseconds from crashing straight into ends up making this game an intense play."

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Steam Greenlight Roundup: March 19

Yesterday, March 19, 2014, 75 titles passed through Steam Greenlight, meaning they could use Steam as a platform for distributing their game. This doesn’t mean that the game is finished and ready to be purchased off of Steam, but it does mean that once the game is finished, the developers will have the opportunity to sell their games on Steam. But, many are also already available, so check em out.

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