
Pokémon White 2 | RPGamer Review

RPGamer writes:

Pokémon White 2 is situated in an awkward marketing category. It's mechanically more interesting than its predecessor games, Pokemon Black and White, but the changes aren't so unique the entire game doesn't feel like a retread of a retread. However, the story is a continuation of Pokémon Black and White. Players who cynically (or wisely) waited for this release to try the fifth generation Pokémon games are tossed into the middle of the Unova region's conflict with Team Plasma. After splintering two years ago, part of this band of pokémon-stealing ruffians is back to steal more pokémon. Reading a summary of the major players in Team Plasma, including Ghestis and N, is necessary to understand the politics of the major players. However, even with this background knowledge, the story's a miserable distraction from the still-entertaining gameplay. The best way to enjoy this game is to plow through the main story, defeat Unova's pokémon champion, and feast upon the abundant post-game content.

Grenade4266d ago

Pick up your copy of Pokemon White, get a pen and draw a 2 on the box.
There you go--you have Pokemon White 2.


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