
Do Games Have to be Fun?

Laura of GAMElitist.com - "How many movies or novels are best sellers, not because they were particularly pleasurable experiences, but because they were powerful? For instance, I wouldn’t call Schindler’s List a feel-good-film, but it is without a doubt a masterpiece. Similarly, George Orwell’s 1984 is one of my favourite books, but it is arguably more frightening than enjoyable. This being said, why is it that there is still such a stereotypical view of video games solely as entertainment?"

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yesmynameissumo4269d ago

No, they have to be popular. Fun games get a bad wrap for fonts, popular games have game breaking bugs overlooked.

CustardTrout4269d ago

It tends to help...
But if you take Spec Ops: The Line and pitch the gameplay it's not that great, pitch the story and suddenly it's a great game.

mochachino4269d ago

They have to be entertaining to be good.

amaguli4268d ago

Fun is subjective. For instance, I love SPRGs like Disgaea and FF Tactics. I love all the number crunching, grid-based movement, the stories, and the level-grinding in those type of games. However, there are a lot of people that find SRPGs to be very boring. It all is in the eye of the beholder.


The bizarre Pathologic 2 brings survival thrills to Xbox One and Xbox Game Pass

Neil writes: "If you're an Xbox Game Pass subscriber then chances are you'll rarely be bored by your gaming exploits for there are a whole host of games being added to the scheme on a massively regular basis. Today that digital library increases once more as Pathologic 2 arrives on Xbox One, debuting on the Game Pass in the process."

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Second Opinion Spotlight: You Should Play "Pathologic"

On this week's episode of Second Opinion Spotlights (formerly Second Opinion Shorts), the good doctor takes on Pathologic.

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derkasan2510d ago

Disease, cannibalism, and murder - sounds like a winning formula.


5 Reasons You Need To Play Pathologic

HPP: Pathologic is a difficult game to write about. It's a difficult game to play! And like all difficult things, both should be attempted at least once.

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