
Pokemon Black 2/White 2 Review [Capsule Computers]

Dustin Spencer from Capsule Computers writes: Since Pokémon Yellow, Game Freak have always followed up a generation of Pokémon releases with one refined version, improving the new formula a tad and adding in a few new features to keep the fan's interest. Well over 15 years later, that tradition has now been broken as for the first time ever, a true sequel has been delivered for the 5th Generation of Pokémon titles. Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 offer up a continuation of the plot we seen from Black and White, along with some new features and returning species. Of course you hardcore fans already know that a solid experience awaits, but does this set of sequels do enough to keep this generation of new fans tied over until the next?

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koga884361d ago

While it sounds like they added plenty more gameplay to it and new features, I'm still on the fence about picking this one up. I played a ton of Pokemon White, so I'm not sure how much more fun I'd have with this one...


Pokémon Black & White: A Generational Shift for the Worse?

Pokémon Black & White may be some people's favourite games in the franchise, but they also started some bad trends.

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The Worse Pokémon Game

Written by Aaron Daniels - Pokemon games are like flavours of crisp; everybody has a favourite and least favourite, there’s absolutely no consensus on which is best or worst, and debates on the subject get more heated than a McDonald’s Apple Pie on the surface of the sun. Unlike crisps however, where everybody who chooses cheese and onion over anything else is clearly on hallucinogens and requires an intervention from their friends and family, there’s at least some wiggle room for appreciating every Pokemon game on their own merits.

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Mega Typhlosion, Meganium & Feraligatr Will Arrive In 2015?

When should we expect Mega Evolutions of Gen 2 starters Typhlosion, Meganium and Feraligatr? In 2015 of course!

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