
X-COM Is Back From The Dead – And Kicking Ass

Disgruntled gamer and X-COM fanatic Dave McConkey is not a man who’s easily pleased – but even he found himself blown away by the new, revamped vision of the tactical alien-battling classic. Here, he explains why XCOM: Enemy Unknown is the strategy experience he’s been praying for.

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DanJenkoFMV4264d ago

XCOM had the misfortune of coming out on the same day as Dishonored so I haven't tried it yet, but I definitely will give it a go.

The Shakespeare quote was spot on by the way Dave!

shodan744264d ago (Edited 4264d ago )

I've been so busy with Borderlands 2 I haven't even had chance to get stuck into Dishonored or XCOM yet - and I would dearly love to play both until my hands bleed.

This really is the time of year when it becomes a case of so many good games, so little time...

TrendyGamers4264d ago

I'm busy with Dishonored right now.

Chuk54264d ago

IMO, XCOM is more refreshing than dishonored. I hope both do well though. I'm not to worried about dishonored, because it's a game largely about stabbing dudes which will communicate well with people. But there really isn't anything on modern consoles that's like xcom. You have to play it to really get it.

Lvl_up_gamer4264d ago

I agree. I chose XCOM over Dishonored simply because I desperately needed something that wasn't a FPS or from a FP perspective.

I finished the game and was overall pleased. My only gripe was that the levels needed to be a bit more diverse. You couldn't differentiate the countries. Europe, North America, Asia....all seemed to look exactly the same. Line of Sight also had some issues...such as being able to shoot through walls at targets that there would be no way of knowing they were there let alone moving.

That is just a couple minor things, overall I really enjoyed the game and it was great to play a good turn base game since civilization revolution.

Controversy4264d ago

i may have to break down and get this game. Looks like a great time.

Mad_Mack4264d ago

You need XCOM in your life. Dan, for the love of God you need it in your life.

Bladesfist4264d ago

XCOM is selling better than dishonored on steam so I don't think it has a real problem. It is very popular on PC

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gamejediben4264d ago

Game of the Year 1994 AND 2012!


Robotronfiend4264d ago

I am really loving XCOM. Get your satellites up and take out the Sectoid Commanders with SHIV units.

Perjoss4264d ago

If only I had more engineers! Don't worry, I'll get the hang of this eventually :D

Bladesfist4264d ago

According to steam. I have played xcom for 34hrs and dishonored for 8. I think that says it all really.


XCOM: Enemy Unknown - A Welcome Rebirth

XCOM: Enemy Unknown rebooted the series back in 2012, and has since inspired numerous new strategy game series to be born.

shinoff2183235d ago (Edited 235d ago )

If someone gets into this I'd recommend getting the enemy within version. It's got all the dlc included so it's the better version. Wish the author would've atleast mentioned it. I didn't see it.

Fantastic game though. Xcom 2 is top notch also. I've spent countless hours in these games.

ModsDoBetter234d ago

Excellent game.
Played to death on PS3 years ago.

S2Killinit234d ago

What other games were inspired by this game?

JL2930234d ago

Gears Of War Tactics, Phoenix Point. Many others.

shinoff2183234d ago

Phoenix point if I remember was created by the original xcom developer or something to that affect. I did try gears tactics some months ago and I just couldn't get into it. It's probably just me

JL2930233d ago (Edited 233d ago )

It was, but it was really closer to the newer XCOM than the older ones. Gears Tactics was okay but was hard to get into knowing there probably wont be a sequel.


Ten Best Tactical Mobile Games

There are few things more gratifying in gaming than skillfully turning the tide of a conflict. And few genres provide as many opportunities to abruptly reverse the odds via skill and forethought as tactical strategy. To be sure, we are more often than not talking about turn-based tactical mobile games, specifically titles in line with the iconic landmark series (XCOM and Jagged Alliance) that made the genre a genre.

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