
Jet Set Radio PlayStation Vita Release Delayed

SEGA Europe has today announced a delay in the release of the PlayStation Vita conversion of Jet Set Radio. Recently made available for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 via Xbox LIVE Arcade and PlayStation Network respectively, the PlayStation Vita version was expected to launch shortly thereafter, however the videogame has now been pushed back to an unspecified date.

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Xof4255d ago

Well, that's too bad. After hearing it wouldn't be cross-buy, I've been debating which platform to grab on. Right now, I'm thinking... neither.

mathsman4255d ago

Already got it for 360 but I was thinking about getting it for Vita too. Maybe not now, I'll probably have had my fix by the time it comes out...

Godchild10204255d ago

I wanted the game as well. I was going to buy it on the PS3, but decided playing on that OLED screen and being able to play it on the go would be better. Now, I'll past if/when it's released.

GribbleGrunger4255d ago (Edited 4255d ago )

I wouldn't give Saga's reason that much credence. I'd say this is a smart move to be honest. This game isn't a console seller and so it's wiser to delay it and allow the console sellers to expand your market over Christmas. A bigger install base will improve your chances of selling well and (from a gamers perspective) guarantee long term support from Saga. We win, they win.

abzdine4255d ago

why doesn't it work on both PS3 and Vita seriously ?
It's the same game same trophies same everything

Godchild10204255d ago

I don't know if you have noticed, but ever since Sony announced Cross-buy, there have been a few delays to either the console version or the portable version. Some of them coincide with good reasons for the delay. But it could also deal with the fact they don't want to take part of the cross buy. Which isn't a problem, because its not being forced on them.

As posted above its about the money.

ozzywazzy4255d ago

Ahh nostalgia.. I could not put this gem down along with shenmue back in the day.

SandwichHammock4255d ago

Boooo. I was really looking forward to get this. Hope this doesn't foreshadow the status of Zone of the Enders HD for PSV.

one2thr4255d ago

Wait, wasn't it delayed until today so now their delaying it again?...

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Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio reboot hopes emerge after new survey

Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio reboot rumours are heating up again as a new SEGA survey points toward a next-gen makeover for these iconic franchises.

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SullysCigar466d ago

Crazy Taxi + PSVR2 + racing set up = Dream come true!

Number1TailzFan466d ago

I want to see a new ESPN Extreme Games, that first game on PS1 was so funny, and the video segments with that woman mocking you.


Bring it Back | Jet Set Radio

For this week's Bring it Back feature, GotGame takes a look back at the Jet Set Radio franchise from Sega and the now defunct Smilebit.

MadLad1190d ago

Game just oozed style. Even the games that tried to emulate it never really hit the mark, or nailed that "it" factor the series had.

Still bump the song 'Aisle 10' from time to time when getting up in the morning.

phoenixwing1189d ago

I hope it foots the bill for a jet set radio experience

annoyedgamer1189d ago

I miss the days of street punk culture

lellkay1189d ago

Loved it back in the day. Aged like milk now.


Why Jet Set Radio Feels So Good to Master

Discussion surrounding Jet Set Radio has always been skewed. As revered and celebrated as this game is among fans of old-school Sega classics, the vast majority of the praise levied towards it revolves around its cel-shaded style, premise, and soundtrack.

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rlow11221d ago

Never played it but it was well received at the time.