
Pokémon Black And White 2: It’s All About Perception

GenGAME writes: The newest iteration of Pokémon games have been out for some time now, and despite the usual bloated sales figures, there have been some mixed reviews for Black 2 and White 2. The overall Metacritic score for the pair of games is sitting at a respectable 80%, but that’s still a moderate decline from the 87% of the original Black and White titles.

There are many claiming that these sequels are less enjoyable than their predecessors, and not worth your time. Is this really the case? Are the games themselves inferior? When playing Black 2 and White 2, it really all comes down to how you perceive the games.


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LG_Fox_Brazil92d ago

Temtem is actually really good as a single player experience or as a co-op game. Played the shit out of it when it released


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