
The 10 Best Zombie Games of All Time

PM writes: Even if you don’t scare easily, it’s hard to not sweat a little when you’re suddenly surrounded by a swarm of zombies in a Resident Evil or Left 4 Dead. Here are Paste’s 10 favorite zombie videogames. We’d love to hear yours in the comments.

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Kurt Russell4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

Good games, weird order.

calibann4361d ago

For anyone who loves zombie games, check out The War Z if you haven't already. The Alpha starts today!


TheRealSpy4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

They made the right choice with number 1. I haven't clocked as many hours in every other zombie game combined as i have in L4D 1 and 2; and i have played every other game on this list at least once. So much fun!

Captain Qwark 94361d ago

i dont think so, l4d are good games but i think that it would be closer to 5ish.

id have put RE2 at number 1, then RE3, RE4 should even be on there, amazing game but those are not zombies.

dead rising would prob be 3 then left for dead. at least imo

Lvl_up_gamer4361d ago

I agree. RE4 didn't have zombies.

I can't believe Dead Island is left off this list...instead they have plants vs. zombies? I also don't agree with the list saying "zombie games" yet is using DLC/mods which is just a game type and not the overall "game".

Games like RE1 and 2, Dead Rising, L4D1 and 2, The Walking Dead are all zombie "games". RDR just had a gamemode added on...and you needed to buy it. If you didn't, then you are not playing a zombie game in RDR.

This list is a fail. Especially without Dead Island on the list.

TheRealSpy4361d ago (Edited 4361d ago )

look, this all comes down to perspective, i suppose. you have to take a lot of things into consideration. i absolutely LOVED RE2. I thought it was a great game. the way you got to choose which disc you played first and how it influenced the other disc.

...but, it didn't provide unlimited gameplay. it didn't let you play with friends. it didn't give you a unique experience each time that was always intense and challenging.

l4d2 is simply the better game. they are both great games, but l4d has it beat.

caseh4361d ago

How come Dead Island never features in these 'top 10' lists.

Picked up the GOTY edition, just completed the campaign and i'll no doubt be going through it again. More than I can say for some of the RE games.

CanadianTurtle4361d ago

Dead Island was a very tedious experience. Gameplay was mediocore, inconsistent, and buggy. The game was executed the way it was supposed to be, but it still wasn't all that fun to play after 30 mins.


Resident Evil Original Cast Reunion 2 | Rebecca Chambers, Chris Redfield, Barry Burton, Wesker

RESIDENT EVIL (1996) Original Cast Reunion & Interview with Linda - Rebecca Chambers, Charlie Kraslavsky, Greg Smith & Eric Pirius.


Resident Evil Fan Film Adapts Iconic "Itchy Tasty" Diary

A fan-made Resident Evil short film has been released, and it tells the story of one of the original game's most terrifying and iconic diary entries.

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TiredGamer82d ago

Fantastic homage to a memorable part of the original. The authenticity to the source material is outstanding and blows away all of the pathetic Hollywood adaptations that we've had to endure as fans. The addition of Chris Redfield's original actor AND (separate) voice actor is fantastic! Heck, even the CGI was pretty good given the total budget of $55k to make this.

Babadook781d ago (Edited 81d ago )

Yeah this seemed so much more like cannon to me. I’d watch more of it if / when it’s available.


The OG Resident Evil just hit GOG, with Resident Evil 2 and 3 joining "soon"

Thank GOG for that!

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TheNamelessOne84d ago

I feel like they should have included the original games with the remakes they've been doing.