
IGN reviews Discs of Tron

Closing comments from the review by IGN's Hilary Goldstein:

"The original Discs of Tron is one of my favorite games ever made. Anyone who only experiences Discs of Tron through this poor port won't understand why this game was ever held in high regard. It's a shame that a classic could be given such poor treatment with meager graphics, bad sound, and inaccurate controls. The one new element, the online multiplayer, runs poorly and is no fun to play. All-in-all, one of the worst XBLA ports to date."

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29 Years of Tron Games

GameBlurb writes, "Instead of making another full-blown review on just Tron Evolution, we decided that if only seemed fair to review all Tron games, just in case you either don’t know/understand the hoopla or maybe missed one and are thinking of backlogging."

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MicrocutsX25008d ago

Tron 2.0....ahhh the memories.

Kiroe5008d ago

Tron 2.0 was one of those games back in the day you used to show off what your gaming pc could do. Pixel shader 2.0 FTW!

Cajun Chicken5008d ago

Stunning game. Also a lot more inventive than Tron Legacy was.

gameseveryday5008d ago

Too bad the game never lived up to the reputation.

Bay5008d ago

I've never played any Tron game, let alone saw the Tron arcades back in the day :( Then again it was quite before my time, haha.

jaidek5008d ago

haha, it makes the people who remember seeing them in the arcades feel even older. :D

evildeli5008d ago

I've been playing Tron forever. Didn't realize it was 29 years though.

tigertron5008d ago

I've never played a Tron game either, but I did enjoy Tron Legacy at the cinema. That'll look good on Blu.


Console Monster: Discs of Tron Mini-Review

Console Monster writes: "You know those researchers that say that playing video games can actually stimulate the brain? They say that it can help with hand-eye coordination and reaction time and all that good stuff? Well those researchers probably weren't even thinking of a game like Discs of Tron, which was made in 1983 and applied to their theory, but I think it does.

Discs of Tron is not your typical 80's game. You aren't blasting away at little bugs, space aliens or trying to eat ghosts who turn blue. No, it's actually much simpler than that. Hit your opponent, Sark, with a disc and don't let the opponent hit you with theirs. The concept itself isn't difficult and mastering Discs of Tron with so many other things going on in the game is not..."

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TitanUp6014d ago

you people reporting this much because the image isn't bright enough lmao.

do you even care about the image or just wanna report this guy


MSXbox World: Discs of Tron Review

Discs of Tron on Xbox 360 is a good representation of how sloppy some of the Xbox Live Arcade games are at the moment. Now and again you get the arcade game which is worth its money, that's if you can trundle through the pointless ports, like this one, which really should be free.

MSXbox World would only recommend this game to you if you're trying to build up a collection of classic arcade games, or, if you want some easy gamer points. If you buy this game for any other reason MSXbox World can almost certainly say you'll be disappointed, they would advise you to look else where.

Gameplay - 4.5
Graphics - 6
Sound - 6
Longevity - 4
Overall -

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6041d ago