
OXCGN’s EB Expo 2012 Awards: The hits and misses of EB Expo 12


"Besides the usual awards you’d expect, we’ve decided we felt the need to acknowledge a variety of other unsung heroes and villains that featured over the expo.

Here are the second annual OXCGN EB Expo Awards:"

DeusExer4308d ago

Can't understand why Activision are so unfriendly toward the media at EB Expo.

It sure sends the signal that they are trying to prevent damaging reports before the game hits release.

gaminoz4308d ago

It is a very strange thing. Let's piss off the media who report on our games.

It's like they've decided media will always be negative toward COD games so they want word of mouth from consumers to be their promotion.

RocknRolla4308d ago

WOW! I knew they were kind of up themselves but this takes the cake and two years in a row for you guys. Sucks hard!

gaminoz4308d ago

Wow MOH Warfighter won game of the show. Wouldn't have expected that

BadCircuit4308d ago

God, that "Call me Maybe" on loud repeat would have killed me.

DeusExer4308d ago

Wanted 24/7 Gangnam Style instead

RocknRolla4308d ago

If they played Gangnam Style for 3 days I would actually dance and I bet there would be a flashmob for it as well haha

Gaetano4308d ago

I was also initially barred from entering the Black Ops 2 booth with my media pass. I didn't understand the logic at all. On the 2nd day I flirted a bit with the girl at the front and she told me to line up with the "Express" card holders, but I still had to wait 15 minutes (which is OK I guess...)

My understanding is that Activision is more intent on getting actual CoD community feedback than media feedback, which is understandable considering how relentless some media can be towards the brand.


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