
Indie game Sword of Rapier coming to PS Vita

vDog-developed, high sky action RPG in development for Sony handheld.

KevPC4368d ago

the trailer made it seem as this rpg was new and innovative with all its descriptions and exclamation points...is mobile game...sorry if u r a fan but..i just don't like it. :(

r214368d ago

Looks iffy to me. Unless they upgrade it visually and gameplay wise, Im not buying.

GribbleGrunger4368d ago

You two do realise that this is a PSMobile game?

r214368d ago

On the article he says he's making for the ps vita. Either he means he's making a vita remake OR he's just submitting to ps mobile. Im not sure which it is though.

HarryMasonHerpderp4368d ago

Might download this if the price is right.

DivineAssault 4368d ago

The ps1 looking cheapness is great.. I wouldnt buy this tho.. I cant stand ancient gameplay like that.. If the combat was more fluid, i would consider it.. It made me chuckle tho


Sword of Rapier to be released on PSM

Another indie PSM game.

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wtfbbq84131d ago

wow love this kind of easy hack and slash game.

wtfbbq84131d ago

umm sry this game coming to vita right? not sure what psm mean >.<

SegaSaturn6694131d ago

Yes, the vita supports playstation mobile games. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think mobile games can be played on android phones and the vita.


Sword of Rapier coming to Playstation Mobile.

SofR developer confirms and tweets an image of the WIP.