
PlayStation Store Preview – October 9th, 2012

The second major release in PSN’s new Day 1 Digital program, Dishonored, arrives this week. If you haven’t read our review yet, read it now to find out why it should be among the first things you download this week. Outside of that, there is actually a ton of PSN content coming for both the PS3 and Vita. Plenty to choose from this week, that’s for sure. - PSLS

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ftwrthtx4309d ago

Glad to see more Vita love.

mt4309d ago

that is still no love for a handheld device. , I see PS+ is getting all the love a lot of free games.

GamerToons4308d ago

No offense, but what 'love' is it getting? I have a Vita and Retro City Rampage looks cool, but the other stuff sucks.

I don't see it getting much love at all but I am guessing that will slooooowly change.

mt4308d ago

I am ps3 fan , but ps3 fans in N4G here WANT YOU always say good things about their consoles.

dbjj120884309d ago

PlayStation Store Preview... you never let me down!

Sev4309d ago Show
doctorstrange4309d ago

Since when did N4G hide comments for the F-word? For f***'s sake...

Christopher4309d ago

For the longest time. We see it, we hide it. We have people of ages 13 and above here and certain laws require moderation of offensive language.

And, yeah, it would be awesome to just filter it out, but that is not in the hands of your local moderators unfortunately.

Thank you,

MariaHelFutura4309d ago (Edited 4309d ago )

I think you guys should just try to keep the 13 year olds OFF this site.....

It`s not like the use of the terminology "flopbox" and "gaystation" add anything positive anyway.

Christopher4309d ago

@Maria: Thing is, it's mostly 20+ year olds who say that type of stuff the most on N4G and most other Web sites. Lots of people look to release their inner child on the Internet as they get into places where in public they find themselves holding back more and more.


Making N4G 18+? Where do I sign?

googergieger4309d ago

What laws? There is nothing wrong with cursing and one should not only encourage it but champion it. They are words. There is nothing wrong with words. Words are expression and ideas. Expression and ideas are life. Words are life. To ban, delete, or otherwise chastise certain words over others because someone a long time ago decided one should do it for no legitimate reason is...

...well not evil, but wrong on almost every level one could imagine.

MostJadedGamer4309d ago

I gave you a negative mark for bad language. I cann't believe somebody like you who has 6 comments would use those type of cusswords.

MostJadedGamer4309d ago

"What laws? There is nothing wrong with cursing and one should not only encourage it but champion it. They are words. There is nothing wrong with words. Words are expression and ideas. Expression and ideas are life. Words are life. To ban, delete, or otherwise chastise certain words over others because someone a long time ago decided one should do it for no legitimate reason is...

...well not evil, but wrong on almost every level one could imagine."

Um no. Some of us are Christians on this site, and hate hearing that kind of garbage.

topekomsi4308d ago

Watch out for the mods on this site. cough paul blart cough

Christopher4308d ago

Confirmed, topekomsi is jealous of us mall cops and our Segways.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4308d ago
TheFirstClassic4309d ago (Edited 4309d ago )

^I lost a bubble yesterday cuz I used the words sh!t and p!ss. I didn't even know those were crude enough to be considered bad language, at least not enough to bubble me down for. -_-

Dishonored does look awesome tho.

Christopher4309d ago

That one was okay. I've reversed it and given you back your bubble. We are really only after the "R" rated words and generally offensive terms.

TheFirstClassic4309d ago

@cgoodno wow thanks! I did think it was a little harsh.

Relientk774309d ago

Sweet XCOM: Enemy Unknown demo

doogiebear4309d ago (Edited 4309d ago )

North American PS Plus just aint what it used to be anymore. We got crappy NFL Blitz, and now its week 2 and no more games? What happened to 3 games a month? My 1 year membership ends at the end of this month. I won't be renewing. Maybe if a hot game comes out, but right now I been disappointed the last 4-5 months by crappy stuff (some of which I unfortunately already owned--yet it was so crappy I don't play anymore anyway).

admiralvic4309d ago

2 more are going to be announced today...

doogiebear4309d ago

I hope so. And I hope it's not more stupid 2d beat-em-ups. Europe is getting way better stuff and yet we pay roughly the same equivalent.

JAM_brz4309d ago

Getting Infamous 2 and LittleBigPlanet was enough to make it worth for me.

doogiebear4309d ago (Edited 4309d ago )

Infamous 2 was awesome! So I get your point, however, our mutual love of those 2 games does not justify the fact that the ADDITIONAL games (After the first batch of 12 we got in that 1 month in the summertime) we are getting are completely cheap pieces of trash that no one would ever buy (nowadays), when compared to EUROPE, they are getting amazing full ps 3, quality games for ps plus. AND they already got Infamous 2 and Lbp 2 (If I'm correct) so they still get a monumentally better deal. Is Europe somehow more deserving. Is our $ 50 contribution worth any less? I know the dollar is declining, but I didnt think it was worth THAT little that we get double dragon and Europe gets Deus Ex and Dead Space.

Gridloc4309d ago (Edited 4309d ago )

So a year ago before they had the Instant game collection, you thought it was a better deal? As a day 1 member of Plus I've never felt cheated or ripped off. Cloud backups, automatic game patching and discounts on new and older games, plus an occasional free game and beta seemed worth it to me. Sonys instant game collection was just a bonus, even though I already owned most games. The new game discounts and Vita plus around the corner, PS Plus is the best value on ANY console.

doogiebear4309d ago (Edited 4309d ago )

No I liked it in the past year because even though the games were not always AAA, most were NEW games that were good and also experimental/indie (like Rock of Ages). Now we get the cream of the crAp (double dragon being the straw that broke the camels back).

Look: Don't try to paint me as someone who was never appreciative. I NEVER complain about ps plus. But the games of the last few months are just not good. I'd know, because I have ps plus, played them, and they suck. None of my ps plus friends like them either. If u would prefer double dragon, nfl blitz, bloodrayne, sideways ny, and a bunch of other games that suck, instead of the amazing full games that Europe is getting (like Dead Space, Deus Ex and several other full ps3 games I cant recall right now) then your a damn liar.

I love Sony too, but try to seperate your enthusiasm from the facts. M'kay?

doctorstrange4309d ago

At least TWD Ep 3 and CSGO are out in the US...

BitbyDeath4309d ago

Not sure if it was just updated recently but NA are getting King of Fighters XIII this week.

Also stated on the blog another game will come out next week.

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Avowed's director says they "don't believe in living in fear" after Microsoft closed studios

"As a developer - and as a player - it's always sad and it always sucks to see studios close and devs lose their jobs. I really hope all those people land on their feet, because I know our indusutry is better with them in it," Patel tells the outlet. "As for me and how I look at things, I guess first and foremost: I don't believe in living in fear," the Avowed director.

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Lightning7746d ago

Then gets shut down the next day. They should know better than to talk crazy like that.

XiNatsuDragnel45d ago

They'll get shut down that's how Microsoft work

gold_drake45d ago

watch it get shut down tomorrow haha

Skuletor44d ago

It was probably already decided yesterday


"And then Phil Spencer took it as challenge..."

Elda45d ago

They better worry because Avowed doesn't look all that.


The old school "Close Combat" and "Warlords" series is now available for PC via Steam

"SNEG and Slitherine are today very happy and proud to announce that the old school "Close Combat" and "Warlords" series is now available for PC via Steam." - SNEG and Slitherine.

HyperMoused67d ago

Warlords is agreat game, great news

TGG_overlord66d ago

Both series are gret imo, I spent most of my teens on both.


XCOM: Enemy Unknown - A Welcome Rebirth

XCOM: Enemy Unknown rebooted the series back in 2012, and has since inspired numerous new strategy game series to be born.

shinoff2183272d ago (Edited 272d ago )

If someone gets into this I'd recommend getting the enemy within version. It's got all the dlc included so it's the better version. Wish the author would've atleast mentioned it. I didn't see it.

Fantastic game though. Xcom 2 is top notch also. I've spent countless hours in these games.

ModsDoBetter271d ago

Excellent game.
Played to death on PS3 years ago.

S2Killinit271d ago

What other games were inspired by this game?

JL2930271d ago

Gears Of War Tactics, Phoenix Point. Many others.

shinoff2183271d ago

Phoenix point if I remember was created by the original xcom developer or something to that affect. I did try gears tactics some months ago and I just couldn't get into it. It's probably just me

JL2930270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

It was, but it was really closer to the newer XCOM than the older ones. Gears Tactics was okay but was hard to get into knowing there probably wont be a sequel.