
"Under-pressure Sony must react to 360" - Ubi boss

Ubisoft president Yves Guillemot has hailed Microsoft's X06 showcase, warning that the growing strength of 360 is putting market leader Sony under pressure to react with its rival PlayStation 3 console.

Speaking exclusively to GamesIndustry.biz at the aftershow to the glitzy Barcelona event, Guillemot, whose firm significantly pledged an exclusive Splinter Cell title to the next-gen Xbox, said increased competition will benefit everyone in the market.

"What Microsoft is showing is that even if Sony has a lead in market share, Xbox is going to get better penetration in Europe," he said. "It's good to have many players on the same battlefield; I think it will push Sony to react, and also Nintendo to look at how they position themselves to make their machine a success. When the manufacturers are making great games and pushing each machine hard it can help everybody make the videogames business a better business."

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super bill6510d ago

sony had it microsoft the new kid on the block.i bet they be bankrupt within in a year.

xrobbanx6510d ago

No they wont be bankrupt but they realy need to get down from their high horses and think 360 as serious competetion. They are loosing alot off support and they are clearly in the lead in the nextgen

Smellslikepie6510d ago

Super Bill - I don't quite understand. Are you saying that because Microsoft are new then they will be beaten by Sony?

It's not very likely that either company go bankrupt from the sales of Games Consoles, both are well known for other things, infact Sony make a very large percentage of their profit from electronics such as laptops ( is writing this on a Sony Vaio laptop :D) and Microsoft have the Windows Operating System.

You also can't really say that Microsoft will be beaten by Sony because they are new. Sony managed to defeat Nintendo with the Playstation.

I'll argue for the other side just incase I read it wrong and you said Sony are going to be bankrupt.

You have to think that Sony are a well established manufacturor of games consoles. Ask anyone in the street to name a games console, and because of the popularity you can bet that they'll name the Playstation. This will be a great benefit for them in this console 'war'. sure, the majority of the people who live on the internet know all the wrong things that Sony has done, but your average consumer won't. So, really, Sony can rely on quite a few sales from ignorant ( I don't mean this in an insulting sense) consumers. Although the price might put them off a little.

Sony really has let itself down with Europe, however. Not releasing the Playstation 3 until easter next year is a big mistake, as this allows the Xbox 360 to make significant sales. Microsoft already had a good christmas with the 360 in 2005 although shortages hindered sales qutie a bit (I was lucky to get one then), and they're going to have it almost all to themselves this year in Europe but without the shortages.

So, basically, I think that Microsoft will be the leader in Europe and will be closely matched by the Wii. Sony will have Japan (you know it's inevitable) and I can't really comment on America. It'll probably be pretty even between PS3 and 360, however the 360 will have an advantage because of the price.

I'll stop now, I've probably already made a fool out of myself :P

Boink6510d ago

the other comments from him are pretty strong in support of the 360.

this combined with square promising of a lot less exclusive sony support should make things fun:)

EasilyTheBest6510d ago

Its just impossible to say which way its all going to go with this console war.
Id have to say again though, that Microsoft NEVER in their wildest dreams could they have expected to be in such a strong position as they are now. Remember xbox360 expected to have had PS3 to deal with spring THIS year.
It all comes down to the BUZZ or whatever you call it that will be surrounding the PS3 in its first year on sale. Its like the Apple Ipod, i know people who dont even know why they are buying one, yes really but they think its the one thing they have to av because everyone else thinks its the one thing to have.
I say we need a year to know how this all gos with PS3.
Theres one big failing i can see and yes its the price. I know it can obviously drop by a mile but the point is so can xbox360 and thats where id say Microsoft has the upper hand. If after the first 6 months PS3 sales tail off by quite a bit Sony are going to be worried. The last thing they want is a price war with Microsoft they need the PS3 to be selling at top price for a lot longer than 6 months. As ive said it all comes down to the Ipod like Buzz. Theres loads of good and better and cheaper alternatives to the Apple Ipod but why is it that the Ipod sells Buy the truck load.... Thats what Sony wants, it had it with PS1 & 2 it needs that more than ever with PS3.... Roll on Christmas 2007...

Ravenator5296510d ago

The PS3 should have been competing with the 360 by now. Because of all the delays, this puts M$ in a better position.

I am sure that M$ suspected some launch issues with the PS3 but I am sure they never expected all fo the production delays.

6 months worth of delays in the US and Japan alone are enough to hurt. Not to mention pushing Europe even further down the road and then shorting the initial launch.

Sony has been very sloppy and there isn't anyone who can't agree with that.

Dusk6510d ago (Edited 6510d ago )

In the end I think it's going to be pretty even. Sony's made a lot of mistakes this round, the largest of which was adding bluray to the PS3. That raised the price, caused delays, and really isn't going to affect gamers this generation. Microsoft, on the other hand, is snatching games up by the truckload and perfecting its online service. However, Sony will even things out with their brand recognition. This still carries a lot of weight. Even if, and notice I said if, the 360 is a 'better' console, Sony's name will make up the difference. There's a good chance MS can edge out Sony in NA and Europe, but Sony will be way ahead in Japan. Therefore, in the end, I think it will be pretty even. Still, this would be a huge victory for MS compared to last generation.

Antan6510d ago

theres a reason people on here have six bubbles...........and you have just read it.

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Mortal Kombat 9 Is Still NetherRealm's Best Game 13 Years Later

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "Mortal Kombat 9 revived the series from a low point after bringing it back to 2D combat. It marked a new high-point for the franchise due to its incredible roster, exciting cinematic story mode, and high-octane combat."

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Sonyslave323h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6027h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro246h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro246h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


Microsoft is discounting the Xbox 360 store up to 90% before it shuts down for good

Microsoft has slashed the prices of games across the Xbox 360 store in preparation for its July 29th closure.

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Tacoboto10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

The Dishwasher
Vigilante 8

Two non-BC and no-PC-version Arcade titles I downloaded recently. Dishwasher's sequel is on Steam at least.

I've also downloaded Ninety-Nine Nights II (shame the first wasn't available). I still want to download Burnout 3: Takedown before the weekend's up, though that is still the full $9.99 non-discounted price

franwex7h ago

Burnout 3 not available in modern times is a crime to humanity.

I know it’s probably due to the music licensing-though they can simply add other music as Burnout 3’s biggest flaw to me personally-is the music!!!

GamerRN25m ago

Burnout 3, Risk Factions... I would kill for either of those


Xbox gamers warned they've 72 hours before a ton of classic games are gone forever

The Xbox 360 Marketplace is officially shutting down in three days, which means dozens of exclusive, digital-only 360 games will no longer be available to purchase anywhere else once it does.

The Xbox 360 will be almost 20 years old next year, and to celebrate this milestone Microsoft have decided to obliterate all of its online functionality.

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shadowT15h ago

Phil Spencer: "Game preservation is critical to us at Team Xbox."

13h agoReplies(7)
darthv7212h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Technically, the games ARE preserved... they are just removing the ability to purchase new games through the 360. They have to keep a full backup of every title (even delisted ones) because they will have to offer the ability to redownload purchased content to users.

I had deleted some games a few years back that had become delisted. I was able to get them back by going through my download history. The games in question were TMNT (classic and re-shelled), afterburner climax and outrun online. Im glad I was able to get those back as they are some of the best on the service.

Lightning7710h ago

Well The Ultimate Alliance games have been delisted. I dunno how many old Activision games have been Delisted but MS needs to remake or remaster old Activision games and release them on Xbox and PS. I. Hope that's what they're doing right now.

They can't reserve everything but they 100% can reserve what they got or own.

Vits12h ago

Fortunately, the X360 was jailbroken a long time ago, so a good part of its library is available for download from 'alternative' sources. Still, it's a bummer to see the store going away.

Inverno10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Dawn of The First Day
-72 Hours Remain-

Also they can keep the store up for life if they wanted.

hiawa239h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Series X for the back compat titles, and OG Xbox and X360 for those not on BC. I pretty much bought all of the digital games I want for the 360 so I am good.

anast7h ago

They are holding games hostage so people spend more money. This is some sleazy stuff.

Reaper22_6h ago

No, not telling you would be sleazy. I have a few more games to buy then I'm good. 360 was and still is a great console. Xbox is the best place to play!

anast6h ago

I'm not sure we are on the same page.

kennyg1233h ago

you guys will really defend xbox no matter what they do

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