
Interview: Double Fine's Ron Gilbert Takes Us On a Trip Into The Cave

1up - Delving into the past, present, and future of the adventure game pioneer.


The Best Adventure Games from the '80s and the '90s

Since their humble beginnings as text-based narratives, adventure games have come a long way. Over the years, they have evolved and transformed into immersive and visually stunning experiences. Text-based adventure games, or interactive fiction, emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s. These games relied solely on text descriptions to guide players through a story, allowing them to make choices that would affect the outcome. Computer text adventure games started with Scott Adam's Adventureland, but the most famous one is probably Zork: The Great Underground Empire by Infocom. The company created many other excellent titles, including Starcross and Planetfall, released in 1983.

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Psychonauts 3 Isn't In Development Right Now, Double Fine Confirms

It looks like a third entry isn't happening soon.

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badz149357d ago

uh oh...looks like the 2nd game flopped sales-wise. what a shame

MadLad357d ago

Psychonauts 2 has been the studios most profitable release, despite being on Gamepass, and a third title is already open and on the table when the time comes.
They wanted to do a big, new IP release coming into the acquisition being they would have funding they wouldn't have otherwise. That was obviously greenlit.

EvertonFC357d ago

He was always gonna make a new ip once MS bought them.
The correct dicision imo, comebk to P3 at a later date.

Muadiib357d ago

Much preferred the first game tbh, so not a huge loss.


Double Fine's documentary series PsychOdyssey takes us through the highs and lows of development

Just how do studios cope with the pressure to "produce a worthy sequel"?

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Orchard498d ago

I'm about 9 episodes into this and it's great. They've been recording it for long, long time, pre Kickstarter and Rhombus.

XxINFERNUSxX498d ago

Looks like it's 33 episodes. Going to keep this, using All Video Downloader. 😊